"Macawisley" commander of Middle Shabelle confirms: "Al Shabaab control Ruunirgood village and it's big lie that Middle shabelle was liberated"

Al Shabaab have captured today Darunicma few km from Adan Yabaal but what is worse that Al Shabaab controls the small village of Ruunirgood as wariye hussein Abdulle revealed today this officer confirms it "waa been in shabeelada dhexe la xoreeyay ruunirgood way qabsadeen laguma laaban canshuur ayay ku qaadaan"

Dramatic collapse of Adan Yabaal, ceelbaraf, miirtuugo is expected as Hiiraan state plans to evacuate the border villages we made them and will destroy them 🤣🤣

Another Abgaal officer says Al Shabaab controls Ceelbacad ceebeey tacaal 🤣🤣

This is another proof that Al khawaarij control Ruunirgood this man was Ruunirgood deputy DC who fled to Al kawthar.




Hussein Abdulle was right when he said Al khawarij control ruunirgood now their officers are confirming both ceelbacad and ruunirgood being controlled by Shabaab

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:mjlol: I’m so done, my guy really said without Xasan Tuure we cannot liberate our villages… LOL the way some of these clansmen bark Online and their situation & reality on the ground does not match. They are so reliant on Xawaadle and state resources and cannot fight themselves.
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:mjlol: I’m so done, my guy really said without Xasan Tuure we cannot liberate our villages… LOL the way some of these clansmen bark Online and their situation & reality on the ground does not match. They are so reliant on Xawaadle and state resources and cannot fight themselves.

Laughing Man Lol GIF


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