Life is a scam

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Gosh, you had me til the last sentence.

But then, that's where the fork in the road lies, there's a juncture of many different paths right there depending on what you make of it all.
Life's a Biatch, what's new? If this is it, then what's stopping people from living for the here and now. I don't blame some Gaalos for living a life of hedonism.

Hold out for Jannah!
It's scam according to you because of your mentality. No one is forcing to work in a 9 to 5 job. Your ceiling is your floor and you don't have desire to move up. And that's why you will always medicore

Rich people became rich because they worked hard and took calculated risks.
Eventually we die and we’ll be forgotten within 5 years of our death. Even your own parents will eventually forget you kkkk.
I'm going to have to disagree with you on this.

Just because you're not mourning the loss of one anymore doesn't mean you've forgotten about them. At least I couldn't.


Qram Qram Jaw
Life is the biggest scam of them all. Without any choice in the matter, we’re born into this terrible world. We spend the first half of our lives in education, and the rest of our lives as wage slaves making money for our employers. Then we retire and spend the last few years of our lives with all sorts of sicknesses/diseases.
Eventually we die and we’ll be forgotten within 5 years of our death. Even your own parents will eventually forget you kkkk.
Life is a f*cking scam kkkkkk this shit is so worthless. We delude ourselves into thinking we’re all special/important but there are 7 billion people in this world. We mean nothing in the grand scheme of things.
All the things we care and worry about: school, work, politics, relationships etc just serve as distractions. They don’t matter.
We’re all alone in this world.
All that matters is your deen/religion.

Exams were that hard :ileycry:

On the authority of Ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with both of them, who said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) took hold of my shoulder and said, ‘Be in the world as if you were a stranger or a traveller along the path.” And ibn Umar would say, “If you survive till late afternoon, do not expect [to be alive in] the morning. If you survive till morning, do not expect [to be alive in] the late afternoon. Take from your health before your sickness and your life before you death.
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