Legendary Somali singer Ahmed Naaji has passed away


Bantu Liberation Movement

The esteemed Somali artist, Ahmed Naji Sa’ad, who was a prominent figure in Somali music, passed away this evening in London. May he rest in peace. His passing was confirmed by his son, Yahye Ahmed-Naji.

Ahmed Naji was renowned for his significant contributions to Somali theatre, music, and literature. According to his biography, he was born in 1939 in the Shibis district of Mogadishu, which was then known as Bilaajo Arab.

After the Somali state collapsed, Naji resided in London and rarely returned to his home country. His last visit was in 2011. In 1962, Ahmed Naji's music was first broadcast on Radio Mogadishu, with one of his notable songs being a Banaadiri track titled “Wuu Ahaaday Adduunka.” He regularly featured on a Radio Mogadishu program aired every Sunday named “Lugo-baxsi”, where artists showcased their talents in a competitive setting.


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
AUN to this absolute legend, we have lost a national treasure. Just recently discovered his music and its magnificent

May Allah grant him jannatul firdaus and help people to stop listening to his music, Aamiin.



Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Allah ya Rahma. Ahmed naaji contributed a lot to the Somali musical industry. Very talented man.

He was a reer baydhabood as well.