DEVELOPING NEWS Koonfur Galbeed show a united stance as Pres Laftagareen convenes all MPs


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

No Koonfuur Galbeed MP except one or two traitors like Aden Madoobe will not participate in sham elections by a tribalist man Rooble who only targets KG and .5 clans.

Guul Laftagareen the great Mamuul gobeeleed President in history


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

“Sharicga xita ma yaqaan, Puntland 16 kursi ba hal sac kagu doortay taas aya marqaati ku filan”

Tribalist Rooble has awoken the greatest beast, the days of faquuq against Rer Baidoa is over.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Isbaaradi ano 20 sano qori lagu watay ka hor aan diiday (USC) ma yeelaya isbaaradi cusup ano 50 sano jir ah :damn: :rejoice:



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.

50 jir ka adag bir loo baxshe Geesi Laftagareen wixii Hawiye Darood loogu samaayn Digil iyo Mirifle laguma beegsan karo!!!! Rooble is checkmated! Cant start elections without them :mjlaugh: :rejoice:

50 jir ka adag bir loo baxshe Geesi Laftagareen wixii Hawiye Darood loogu samaayn Digil iyo Mirifle laguma beegsan karo!!!! Rooble is checkmated! Cant start elections without them :mjlaugh: :rejoice:

Masha'allahi sxb, now lets hope that laftagareen keeps boycotting the elections by holding the KG MPs hostage until both the Parliament speaker and the Presidential election is over.



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Masha'allahi sxb, now lets hope that laftagareen keeps boycotting the elections by holding the KG MPs hostage until both the Parliament speaker and the Presidential election is over.

NOPE as The former speaker Mursal says it cannot occur without KG reps. Its against 4.5 rules remember? Gedo 16 are also not there yet so its not possible. :reallymaury:

Laftagareen’s advisor said the EelaayGareen MPs are like sheep’s being kept in a Mooro #FreeKoonfurGalbeed:mjlol:

These Guys CBB bots (MX) think Laftagareen holding his own MPs hostage will save their inevitable fate of Gedo seats being held hostage until all the elections are completed.

Laftagareen is a whole state and has the most MPs in Somalia. So of course him not agreeing to something is huge. But, what I will tell you is that Laftagareen and Rooble will see eye to eye again. His seats will be released just before 12-13 April. They will get their certificates and will start speaker elections without Gedo. :mjpls:


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Kuwi shalay dhahayaan Kooramka waa buuxa wa laga socon kara baa maanta Laftagareen baryeeya! Come beg in Baidoa HAG :mjlaugh: :deadrose:



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Sheekh Shariiif joins Fahad and Farmaajo in condemning Rooble blocking KG seats. He is a very smart man unlike HAG Dam Jadiid wing, he wants to gain favour with KG people. Hes a good man.
