Kenya refuses to recognise ICJ ruling prior to verdict next week.

Since there laying the infrastructure and means of getting the gas/oil out, they’ll take the lions share of it until Somalia can have enough capital to do it themselves.

Saudi Arabia before Aramco had similar oil deal which they only took 10-20% of total revenue.
Or gradually take more shares in the production/company itself. This requires a nationalist and dedicated politicians who won't get bribed easily by oil companies. Let's hope Somali politicians don't screw us like in the past.
Just cause Madoobe rules kismaayo with 4000 kenyan mercenaries does not mean he can stay there without them. madoobe will leave when kenya is kicked out and kenya will be kicked out soon.

So no Madoobe and neither @Sheikh Kulkuli will ever taste jubbaland oil. it will be for reer jubbaland only.
Who said 4K KDF are all based in Kismaayo?
They even in Ghetto giving water to your malnourished kids.
Ghetto has the largest number of AMISOM troops in Jubbaland yet they supposedly been assimilated into Mx clans.

I am looking forward when besha small teeth kick out kenya.
Its very simple you folks need to attack and invade Kenya from Gedo and do what TDF did to Amhara.

When Madoobe leaves another ogafen probably same mentality as Axmed Cumar Jess will take the reigns.

We will then go for Bardhere and Burdhuubo and restore the Cawliyahan into the land that MSB stole from them in the 70s.
well see schitts creek GIF by CBC
Leave this langaab alone he is like gadabursi of SL.
They talk with less actions.


Who said 4K KDF are all based in Kismaayo?
They even in Ghetto giving water to your malnourished kids.

I am looking forward when besha small teeth kick out kenya.
Its very simple you folks need to attack and invade Kenya from Gedo and do what TDF did to Amhara.

When Madoobe leaves another ogafen probably same mentality as Axmed Cumar Jess will take the reigns.

We will then go for Bardhere and Burdhuubo and restore the Cawliyahan into the land that MSB stole from them in the 70s.

i look forward to AMISOM leaving. inshallah they will leave soon. i think you never sat foot anywhere inside somalia let alone kismaayo.

if you been to kismaayo you would know what you wrote is complete fantasy, django sxb your from kenya infact you are born and raised in Nairobi. you live in eastleigh and wave the kenyan flag. your country yesterday lost which is why you are angry.

i have heard your country kenya has gone into default on a lot of loans the latest being 97 billion ksh.

You need to pay taxes to help your country kenya pay off their debts.


Soon somalia will become a confederacy state.

its like me saying soon india will become a confederacy even if it does how does it benefit me? i am not indian.

similarly how does it benefit you? your not from somalia. and becoming a confederacy might actually be good it means ogadeen from Ethiopia and Kenya cannot claim somali nationality and cannot settle in jubbaland.
its like me saying soon india will become a confederacy even if it does how does it benefit me? i am not indian.

similarly how does it benefit you? your not from somalia. and becoming a confederacy might actually be good it means ogadeen from Ethiopia and Kenya cannot claim somali nationality and cannot settle in jubbaland.
You are langaab reer koshin.
Show me one village in Somalia you live in before we talk.
It was a mistake Ogaden siding with langaabs of your kind and bringing you from the bushes of Shilaabo.
i look forward to AMISOM leaving. inshallah they will leave soon. i think you never sat foot anywhere inside somalia let alone kismaayo.

if you been to kismaayo you would know what you wrote is complete fantasy, django sxb your from kenya infact you are born and raised in Nairobi. you live in eastleigh and wave the kenyan flag. your country yesterday lost which is why you are angry.

i have heard your country kenya has gone into default on a lot of loans the latest being 97 billion ksh.

You need to pay taxes to help your country kenya pay off their debts.
ENDF was already in Gedo since Ina Masaale brought them in the 90s.
So whats different with AMISOM? You have been entertaining foreigners for decades while Gedo has the lion share of AMISOM in Jubbaland.

I am not the one who ran away from Ghetto and is queing for kenyan Ids in Mandera,Wajir and Garissa having kenyan flag bracelets.
You folks are hypocrites of the highest order you talk shit about Kenya on Social media while you are the only somali clan that has most of their wealth in Kenya.
You want to be Kenyan so bad but is sacks living in kenya under other peoples qabil.You are either claim degodia, Ogaden or Murule in Kenya to get Kenyan IDS.It really sucks to be ilk.yar in Kenya.

If only MX shiftas during the Brittish colonial rule did not become bandits while wearing King African rifles uniform and involved in cattle rustling in Kenya and stealing the British Police commissioners Landrover you folks would have been classified like dhulbahante or Isaaqin Kenya and not like mexicans in USA.

It was the British that kicked Mx out of Kenya because they were useless askaris and turnishing the empires name.
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Please, no. Let's not tribalize our national resources. The FGS will oversee extraction and evenly distribute the resources depending on its national development priorities.

there has been no oil sharing deal with the SFG it’s invalid. Jubaland will receive 80% shares otherwise don’t expect any resources to be tapped.
The coast of Jubaland is Ogaden,the oil is Ogaden and Jubaland state. The only thing Bush Boon Cow and his likes will taste is bullets they receive in Abdudwaaq.

MT Foxtrot

there has been no oil sharing deal with the SFG it’s invalid. Jubaland will receive 80% shares otherwise don’t expect any resources to be tapped.
Puntland was the only FMS that objected to the signing of the Petroleum Law in 2020. You can read the full text here.

I don't understand what's so objectionable about this:
The petroleum is a national asset which belongs to all the people of Somalia
Tribalizing our natural resources is not going to help Somalia industrialise. All it does is lead to a situation where a few geographically lucky areas monopolise the lion's share of the country's mineral wealth to the detriment of everyone else. If your plan comes into effect, inequality will inevitably worsen and those that require the most help will not get it. What will state governments do when people move to these oil-producing regions in droves? This road will only lead to discontentment and national disintegration.

The majority of oil revenue should go to the government so that it can use this funding for national development goals. This is no different than other comparable petroleum revenue sharing agreements in which the central government consistently take the most: Sudan (95%), Nigeria (87%), and Indonesia (85%). A central government is the best placed entity to oversee national development and investment for the betterment of all Somalis.
Puntland was the only FMS that objected to the signing of the Petroleum Law in 2020. You can read the full text here.

I don't understand what's so objectionable about this:

Tribalizing our natural resources is not going to help Somalia industrialise. All it does is lead to a situation where a few geographically lucky areas monopolise the lion's share of the country's mineral wealth to the detriment of everyone else. If your plan comes into effect, inequality will inevitably worsen and those that require the most help will not get it. What will state governments do when people move to these oil-producing regions in droves? This road will only lead to discontentment and national disintegration.

The majority of oil revenue should go to the government so that it can use this funding for national development goals. This is no different than other comparable petroleum revenue sharing agreements in which the central government consistently take the most: Sudan (95%), Nigeria (87%), and Indonesia (85%). A central government is the best placed entity to oversee national development and investment for the betterment of all Somalis.


That's assuming the SFG is a just and transparent entity that won't mismanage oil revenues.

The SFG is already racking and mismanaging aid donated by UN how can Jubaland or any region for that matter entrust SFG with it's natural resources?

The fault lies with both sides here you can't point fingers when SFG is arguably just as corrupt and incompetent as Jubaland.

MT Foxtrot

The SFG is already racking and mismanaging aid donated by UN how can Jubaland or any region for that matter entrust SFG with it's natural resources?
What do mean? I'm not trying to be obnoxious, but do you have a source or report on this? From what little I read, the FGS was able to meet every target set by the IMF and subsequently qualify for debt relief. I think any government capable of reducing its debts from $5.2bn to $557m is trustworthy in my book.

The fault lies with both sides here you can't point fingers when SFG is arguably just as corrupt and incompetent as Jubaland.
I don't agree with this. Although the current administration is far from perfect, Farmaajo is the only president to complete a term without being embroiled in a single corruption investigation. This FGS is the first administration to establish a federal body that annually audits all federal institutions and releases their findings in Somali. To compare a government that operates with this level of transparency to a state government that has an ad-hoc economic relationship with al-Shabaab, allows the export of illegal charcoal from its only port, and is engaging in the systematic deforestation of southern Somalia, is ridiculous.

You cannot sit on the fence and pretend both parties are equally as culpable when one is so thoroughly irredeemable.

Also, someone is inevitably going to read this exchange and ask why the government should even take most oil revenue, I suggest you read this comment I wrote last year. A strong central government is a requirement for rapid national development:
Somalia can easily industrialise its economy. Its current bottlenecks are political instability (due to a weak central government) and Islamic terrorism; the former being entirely self-inflicted. If the federal government can consolidate the country and root out extremism, we already have a replicable, proven development model to follow.

Joe Studwell points out in How Asia Works that East Asian economies rapidly modernized by following a simple three stage plan:
  1. Create conditions for small farmers to thrive. (This requires significant land reform.)
  2. Use the proceeds from agricultural surpluses to build a manufacturing base that is tooled from the start to produce exports. If firms fail in this export market, break them up. (This requires a protected economic.)
  3. Nurture both these sectors (small farming and export-oriented manufacturing) with financial institutions closely controlled by the government.
As you can probably gather, this model requires a powerful central government and a single economic entity that can direct industrial policy. The likelihood of this occurring in Somalia is very low. We're still beholden to an antiquated clan system rather than a mass society which this model presupposes. Not to mention, most countries are opposed to protectionism despite having benefitted from it earlier in their development. Bad Samaritans by Ha-Joon Chang explores this issue further.

You want Somalia to be a modern, industrialized, high-HDI country? Reject clan identity, regressive Islamism, and, a recalcitrant political class. Work towards building a society composed of atomized individuals with strong, social institutions. Do this and I have no doubt Somalia can leverage its inherent strengths to become a regional power.
What do mean? I'm not trying to be obnoxious, but do you have a source or report on this? From what little I read, the FGS was able to meet every target set by the IMF and subsequently qualify for debt relief. I think any government capable of reducing its debts from $5.2bn to $557m is trustworthy in my book.

Good god you celebrate mediocrity. Somalia's score has improved slightly from 9 to 12 in 3 years, it's still the 2nd most corrupt country in the world.

That was the first phase during an initiative for indebted countries. Until Somalia completes the program the debt is still on our name.

"Somalia continued to make steady progress under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, as documented in the IMF country report for Somalia released in November. Currently in the interim period of the Initiative, Somalia has to meet the completion point requirements to achieve full and irrevocable debt relief. The World Bank and IMF are providing joint technical assistance in debt management."

"On 21 November, the Office of the Auditor General of Somalia released, for the second year, a consolidated compliance audit report on 35 reporting entities of the Federal Government for 2019. The report highlighted lapses in expenditure controls, deficient controls over the management of fixed assets, poor debt and weak procurement management, and failure to prepare financial statements and register contracts. The report represented an effort to identify and correct public financial management gaps."

"Declining domestic revenue and reduced budget support from international partners owing to the political crisis has led to a monthly deficit of $6 million to $7 million in the 2021 federal budget since February, posing serious challenges to the implementation of the budget. "

SFG is just as corrupt if not more than FMS.
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Good god you celebrate mediocrity. Somalia's score has improved slightly from 9 to 12 in 3 years, it's still the most corrupt country in the world.

That was the first phase during an initiative for indebted countries. Until Somalia completes the program the debt is still on our name.

"Somalia continued to make steady progress under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative, as documented in the IMF country report for Somalia released in November. Currently in the interim period of the Initiative, Somalia has to meet the completion point requirements to achieve full and irrevocable debt relief. The World Bank and IMF are providing joint technical assistance in debt management."

"On 21 November, the Office of the Auditor General of Somalia released, for the second year, a consolidated compliance audit report on 35 reporting entities of the Federal Government for 2019. The report highlighted lapses in expenditure controls, deficient controls over the management of fixed assets, poor debt and weak procurement management, and failure to prepare financial statements and register contracts. The report represented an effort to identify and correct public financial management gaps."

"Declining domestic revenue and reduced budget support from international partners owing to the political crisis has led to a monthly deficit of $6 million to $7 million in the 2021 federal budget since February, posing serious challenges to the implementation of the budget. "

SFG is just as corrupt if not more than FMS.
we somalis are part xayawaan. if were not machete-ing each other somalia way duushay. wixi dheerad ah dee waa nobel prize worthy. :diddyswag:
The corrupt federal government loots 90% of all the UN and international community Aid meant for Somalia how can it be entrusted with natural resources? State administrations are less corrupt and more based on developing their regions.


May allah make the 75% of the area we won
to be very resourceful for generations to come.
Don't worry guys, we will witness a rich Somalia in our life time :)