Jiron Appreciation Platinum thread


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Seriously we got a gazillion posts of members complaining, whining, begging, critiqueing and then the one poster who looks at everything on the positive side is always @Jiron, I didn't know a Somali male could be 100% as nice as Jiron.

We as as SSpot members demand to know more about Jiron, and my guts telling he is very interesting or might be living in a luxury setting.

I raise my glass of caano to you in salute sxb !!

So let us play this game, everyone google Somalispot Jiron (Random word), for example, Trump,Kenya, Sex etc and screenshot Jiron's post on that subject and post it, is that easy

In 2017 they created a Jiron appreciation thread and the man didnt want to tell his qabiil even.:gucciwhat:


Jiron even supported when Gariso sex workers demanded to be recognized as prostitutes.


Trump's comment on Somalia calling us a "Shit hole" made even Jiron very mad.


He supports fair immigration and loves Ilhan


His post to Mac minded when he visited this site and called us google freaks.



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I think he has anger issues

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[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]

Waryaa leave my spiritual leader @Jiron the Somali Daila Lama alone. Nolow Jiron.

Walahi If Jiron write a simple made up prayers and motivation speaches
in book and print it on Amazon ,White people would buy it.

Remind me to ask him to let me be his manager just in case this actually blows up and he does write a book!!!:pachah1::russ::lolbron:


@Manafesto thank you saxiib, I really appreciate ur kind words and it made me happy. I am far from perfect but people like you inspire me to always look at the glass half full. May god answer your wishes and bless u and ur family with long healthy life full of love and joy :)

@Geeljire lotus, @Cauli, @AussieHustler, @embarassing I cannot find the right words to repay u guys with the compliments you paid me, all I could do is continue on the positive journey and always motivate our people to be the best person we can be individually. thank you :)

@henni, thank you for ur concern, anger is part of human emotion, we all experience it along with sadness, frustration, depression however we have to learn that those emotions are temporary. What is vital for good quality of life is love and happiness which comes to us naturally and we should always be working on achieving those to qualities to improve ourselves :)


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
@Manafesto thank you saxiib, I really appreciate ur kind words and it made me happy. I am far from perfect but people like you inspire me to always look at the glass half full. May god answer your wishes and bless u and ur family with long healthy life full of love and joy :)

@Geeljire lotus, @Cauli, @AussieHustler, @embarassing I cannot find the right words to repay u guys with the compliments you paid me, all I could do is continue on the positive journey and always motivate our people to be the best person we can be individually. thank you :)

@henni, thank you for ur concern, anger is part of human emotion, we all experience it along with sadness, frustration, depression however we have to learn that those emotions are temporary. What is vital for good quality of life is love and happiness which comes to us naturally and we should always be working on achieving those to qualities to improve ourselves :)

You are welcome sxb I personally have few questions to ask you , many members are fond of you sxb and are very interested to know more about you outside of Sspot

How old are you?

What kind of job do you do ? If in school what are you studying?

What are your top three hobbies you do at least once weekly?

What do you think is root of all bad things happening in Somalia?