Italian deputy PM calls on EU to sanction France for its 'continued colonization' of Africa

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The Italian deputy prime minister has blamed France for the European migrant crisis, accusing it of impoverishing African nations with "colonialist" policies. He promised to take the issue to the EU and other international bodies.
Luigi Di Maio, leader of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement and Italy's Deputy PM, launched a scathing attack on France, which he argued is to blame for the inherent causes of the ongoing migrant crisis at EU borders.

Di Maio was speaking at a rally on Sunday, when he touched on recent mass migrant drownings in the Mediterranean. It is believed that up to 170 migrants who left Libya and Morocco on ramshackle dinghies may have drowned in the sea last week. Three migrants were saved by the Italian Navy on Friday off the cost of Lampedusa. The survivors said they were a part of a group of 120 people that sailed from Libya on Thursday. Their boat started to sink after they were at sea for about 10 hours. The victims, according to migrant organizations, include a two-month-old child and at least 10 women. Separately, another boat carrying 53 migrants capsized in the western Mediterranean, according to sole survivor of the incident.

The tragedies have reignited the debate on the hardline migration policy championed by Italy's right-wing government.

"We would be hypocrites if we just continued to talk about the effects without looking for the causes. If today we have people coming from Africa it's because some European countries like France never stopped colonizing Africa in their heads," Di Maio told the crowd.

The politician, who also serves as the minister of economic development, referred to the CFA franc, a currency which is used in 14 former French colonies in West and Central Africa. The currency is guaranteed by the French Treasury and has a fixed rate of exchange with the euro. While it is credited for providing African countries with financial stability, it has often been criticized as a relic of colonial times by proponents of Africa's full independence from France. They argue that the CFA franc, created in 1945, impedes their economic development as they have no say in French or European monetary policy.

"There are dozens of African states in which France prints its own currency, the franc of the colonies, and with that, it finances the French public debt," Di Maio said, adding that France should be subjected to sanctions by the EU, and potentially the UN, for "impoverishing those states and triggering those people."

"The place of Africans is in Africa and not at the bottom of the sea,"
he stated.
Di Maio further argued that France would fall far back in the international economic rankings if not for its leverage over its former colonies.

"If France did not have the African colonies, which it is impoverishing, it would be the 15th international economic power and instead it is among the first for what it is doing in Africa," he said. France is currently the world's seventh-largest economy, according to World Bank data for 2017, and the third-biggest economy in Europe after Germany and the UK.

Di Maio said that his party would submit a proposal to parliament to punish France in the coming weeks.

In a swipe at French President Emmanuel Macron, Di Maio said that he should stop lecturing Italy on morals while his government continue to exploit African nations.
Last summer, Macron chastized the Italian government for its refusal to pick up migrants stranded at sea, with his spokesman calling the policy "sickening" and "unacceptable."

Italy brushed off the criticism, accusing the French government of hypocrisy.
Relations between the French and Italian governments were already strained, with Di Maio – along with anti-immigrant Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini – voicing their support for Yellow Vest protests that have plagued Macron's government since November.

Tell the French Central bank to release the funds it holds from the treasuries of multiple west african nations while they are at it
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Finally someone said it, hope the UN and EU realize how fucked up France relationship to West Africa is.

Inshallah the former French colonies in Africa will get their justice, including Djibouti
Funny how the morality of "impoverishing African nations with "colonialist" policies" only came into question when Italy started feeling the repercussions of thousands of refugees at their doorstep; are they only now noticing the f'd up policies that France (even under 'Liberal' Macron) had/has?? ..that's politics for you I guess.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

#Puntlandfirst. #PIM
Yeah and the worst is that they force their useless language upon their former subjects.:susp::susp:
Hope that one day Djibouti throw away the French language and make Somali their primary Official language. :fittytousand::fittytousand:
The french will loot/destroy ur culture and if they see any fight back, you get instant coup to replace you with a corrupt uncle tom.

The Brittish didn't destroy cultures, but looted and gave part of ones territory to another nation to plant future conflicts.

Karma now that they are getting flooded with the same people they screwed :banderas:
The french will loot/destroy ur culture and if they see any fight back, you get instant coup to replace you with a corrupt uncle tom.

The Brittish didn't destroy cultures, but looted and gave part of ones territory to another nation to plant future conflicts.

Karma now that they are getting flooded with the same people they screwed :banderas:
Buddy France was better than the British at colonizing.

If you assimilate into their culture they would accept you and view you as a French citizen with full rights. The British viewed you as a filthy negro and possession.
Buddy France was better than the British at colonizing.

If you assimilate into their culture they would accept you and view you as a French citizen with full rights. The British viewed you as a filthy negro and possession.
:dead::deadmanny: you really think that the french would treat us any better than other western countries:drakelaugh::chrisfreshhah:
Sry to burst your bubble, but post ww2 France was built on African backs.:manny:
Buddy France was better than the British at colonizing.

If you assimilate into their culture they would accept you and view you as a French citizen with full rights. The British viewed you as a filthy negro and possession.

Other than settler colonies, Britain just wanted to get their cash and gtfo

The french were obsessed with "civilising" the natives and turning them into frenchmen

Heck Algeria at one point was a literal department of france. The land in Algiers was the same as Paris.


The one and only 4head
The French were better than the Anglos.
And Italians..They shouldn't talk, they lost it against Ethiopia and Greece:chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:
No a single European country respects Italy:hillarybiz: Losing against Africans and then against Greeks:gucciwhat:
Colonisation is normal and niggas like the Italiens shouldn't give any talk about it. They were the most retarded ones in that regard:ulyin:

BTW, Africa is getting colonised again:bell: are better with their masters :trumpsmirk: No hope for this continent, the whites left it and now the yellow are welcomed:susp:
Low IQ:ivers:


The one and only 4head
:dead::deadmanny: you really think that the french would treat us any better than other western countries:drakelaugh::chrisfreshhah:
Sry to burst your bubble, but post ww2 France was built on African backs.:manny:

No that's a big fat lie. France was rebuilt through the Marchal Plan and with that aid from the US, they rebuilt their country. Of course immigrants from NA and SA were welcomed as workers but nobody forced them. There's no proof that France wouldn't be a great country after the WWII without some sandniggers and jungle .


The one and only 4head
Buddy France was better than the British at colonizing.

If you assimilate into their culture they would accept you and view you as a French citizen with full rights. The British viewed you as a filthy negro and possession.

It was better being a French colony than a british "protectorate". At least as a colored people, we were better in France than in Britain at that time.
Many french politicians were blacks and from colonised countries back then, even the former president of Senegal was a politician in France. They believe in their egalitarian-like society and "all humans have equal rights" and bla bla bla.
I rather prefer staying a colony of the French than being a adoon for the Chinese who hate us more than they hate death and filth! Chinese people are inhumane, so are brits.


Uk is now leaving eu so they can resume colinization like China :bell: I heard somaliland might be their new ‘protectorate’
:chrisfreshhah:Inshallah Deni will keep them out of ssc :fittytousand: I heard mudane Vance is already vying for colonial officer position with his knowledge of the area:siilaanyolaugh:


The one and only 4head
Uk is now leaving eu so they can resume colinization like China :bell: I heard somaliland might be their new ‘protectorate’
:chrisfreshhah:Inshallah Deni will keep them out of ssc :fittytousand: I heard mudane Vance is already vying for colonial officer position with his knowledge of the area:siilaanyolaugh:

#MakeSomalilandBritishAgain :russ::lolbron:


#MakeSomalilandBritishAgain :russ::lolbron:
The eu has been holding them back when it came to these rules and no army :gucciwhat:they noticed China was filing the void of what the do best:liberaltears:colonising , i feel sorry for our idoor brothers, they will rape pillage and loot the area in a way only a Brit could
No that's a big fat lie. France was rebuilt through the Marchal Plan and with that aid from the US, they rebuilt their country. Of course immigrants from NA and SA were welcomed as workers but nobody forced them. There's no proof that France wouldn't be a great country after the WWII without some sandniggers and jungle ******s.
Warya, Get your fat head out of their ass and clean away their shit to see reality. France used African countries for their own gains and wouldn’t even be where there are if not for Africa


Warya, Get your fat head out of their ass and clean away their shit to see reality. France used African countries for their own gains and wouldn’t even be where there are if not for Africa
These European countries don’t have resources or even big popluation nor do they make money of their innovations or products, they were all built off colonization


The one and only 4head
Warya, Get your fat head out of their ass and clean away their shit to see reality. France used African countries for their own gains and wouldn’t even be where there are if not for Africa

Any proof of what you're saying or you are just saying what they taught you?
France received many foreign aids, including from the Americans.

"The reconstruction plan, developed at a meeting of the participating European states, was drafted on June 5, 1947. It offered the same aid to the Soviet Union and its allies, but they refused to accept it,[14][15] as doing so would allow a degree of US control over the communist economies.[16] In fact, the Soviet Union prevented its satellite states (i.e., East Germany, Poland, etc.) from accepting. Secretary Marshall became convinced Stalin had no interest in helping restore economic health in Western Europe.[17]"

My fat head? Nigga, you better have a degree in History beforing saying stupid shit like that.
I'm a historian and I know my shit. The immigrants played a small role in the reconstruction of France post 1945 and after the Algerian war in 1962.
You learned this B.S from the medias, i guess? "Immigration is our strenght" " the immigrants built our country" instead of the US, France was already built. It was partially destroyed and they got foreign aids from their fellow allies, the Americans.
I'm not saying the Frenchies didn't benefit from migrants but they weren't those who rebuilt the country.
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