"Israa'iil markii aan xornimada qaadanaynay ayay noo hiilisay isku dhaqan ayaan nahay" Xuseen Ceydiid

A true descendant of punt
I cant wait for these Somali old heads to start casually referencing our Macrobian history


I remember when Aideed talked about this regional bloc merges which is playing out today. Horta odaygu waa visionary in some aspects. I remember how ppl shouted him down back then, but today it's all being done.

Now he is callin for normalization of Israel relation, we can help Palestine thru 'influencing' Israel if we establish strong friendship and they trust our judgement, we are not helping palestine with our current foreign policy posture. I bet u in 20 years locals will see the israel/somalia friendship like they do with Turkey now, even tho ppl will yell it down as usual today like they did when he was pro regional merging.

Israel is no 1 leader in security and intelligence domains, we could benefit a-lot thru knowledge transfer, our geological territory is very similar to Israel and we can colloborate on water, farming, etc. We cud tap into their tech expertise to automate our industries, I also wish we knowledge transfer our business ppl with jewish business practises as their ppl have 20% of the wealth globally in their 'business class'.
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Somalis r always backing losers due to loyalty of the past even if it's at their expense and well being, their like that stupid pet at ur leg who won't ever u leave u even if ur not helping it. I don't think we should strain our historical relations with arabs at all, that was generationally built up over time and its silly to abadon it. But we also need new friends, especially powerful friends in this new world so we can built up the same generational relations like we did with the arabs and so our kids don't keep inheriting nothing new from us during our lifetimes. Our future generation deserve better then what we inherited.


It's a crime when u see 5 year old kids all playing and friends with each other and then when their adults their enemies, why? their carrying on the hate of their parents and peoples, it's an absolute fkn crime to pass on ur misery to the next generation.

