Is there any truth that Somali girls HATE their fathers? And if so, why?

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
May you get cancer all over your body.

I will curb stomp your skull. Treat women with respect or you'll be sorry.
Why should I treat women with respect when you don’t even respect your father? Are you implying men are disposable while women are valuable? I believe women and men should be treated the same way like excrement


I cant forgive because of the struggles I went through. I had to become a woman very early in life. I am on this site to warn the men not to become deadbeats.
I get you, I really do, my dad left our family when I was 2 years old, I grew up wanting to be closer to him and needing a role model, but all I got was a khat and cigar addict who had no problem making me think he was dead all the time. Eventually I got sick of it and left him for his new family. Cocksocker treats his adoptive son better than me.

Easier to ignore rather than hate, good luck


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Your dua will never get answered. I believe that your father is a great man, may allah grant him jannah.

if he was great he would be there for her theres no excuse to abandon your kid and family and go on to raise a new one


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Most so called "absent fathers" were kicked out by their wives. In the western world, the nuclear family is collapsing since the state has taken over the role as the main provider and "husband". Then you got the bias family courts which almost always support the women. All of these issues are 10 x worse for Somalis who recently immigrated to the west as refugees in the 90-00s.

That's far from the truth a lot of Somali dads got the mindset as long as theyre pulling in the money and putting food on the table they have done their part

Ignoring all the other stuff a father should be doing

  • spending quality time with your kids
  • asssit them with their homework
  • communicate with their teachers
  • teach them morals and values

I highly doubt he would be kicked to the curb if he was there for his kids and family Why is it more acceptable in the somali community for a father to leave his kids never talk to them again and start a new life completely

Happens all the time when the father divorces his wife he also divorces his kids never seeing them or spending on them again


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
May Allah bless your father the poor man he was probably getting treated really badly by your mother threatening to kick him out and taking all his income while threatening to pull up trumpt up charges against him that’s why he fled the west may Allah bless him and give him peace and wellbeing amiin

Stop protecting the loser
Nice BS. Go to France or Sweden and you'll find that 99 % of Arabs are just welfare seeking bums. Kulaha the majority are doctors/dentists.

The difference between our culture, and Pakistani/Arabs is that they have honor killings, acid attacks, forced marriages to cousins, and women can't get divorced.

Alx I had a great father growing up, don't force your daddy issues on the rest of us.

Why are you getting mad? What for are you personally attacking me?
Are you mad that i said that the arabs i know, have fathers who are doctors/dentist?
What for should i lie? The iraqis i know are doctors, and all their iraqi friends have also fathers who have jobs like that
Maybe i dont know the arabs you re talking about, could be true, but dont imply that im lying
Wallahi i dont even have a reason to lie lol

But this is in Holland, its known for giving a lot of oppertonuties to migrants, who had a degree from their fatherland

So it could be different in france and sweden
But it isnt even about having a father who is doctor
The moroccos i know and the afghans, have fathers who have a restaurant for shoarma, or drive their own taxi etc

Most somali dads i know, who at least work, work in a fabric
And the others just go to tea houses to talk about qabiil and eat their qat
im gonna have to ask you to retract that almost as well as the always because that is just relative to the west and as we all know somalis tend to spread around the world, if you for one second think that some deadbeats in some european or american states equate to the entire general populus of somali fathers you are dead wrong.

ill agree that somali mothers are made out of other stuff to be able to rear 7 kids while 2/7 are still in pushchairs day in day out, thats some superhuman shit. but even after all that a male figure is imperative in any household let alone somali ones.

even if a kid has a deadbeat father, the son will either go two ways, he will become a deadbeat like his dad or strive to be better than him, even for a deadbeat a fathers presence is still needed in a house.

before i deviate from my point what im going to repeat again is not to compare a couple of diaspora from a generation that grew up in civil war to all of the diaspora around the world and even for those men still back at home who work day in day out to get a scrap of food for their families, while you sit here bashing at them from your laptop when they have nothing to do with a portion of a failed generation diaspora living out in the west.

You are right
Civil war could be the cause of this all
We all had good grandfathers who were there for the family right?
Wish that talking about your problems wasnt such a taboo in our community
Maybe that why some are using qat/weed/drink
Men are not made from rock you know

Hopefully the next generation will do better
"My dad is shit, everyones's dad must be shit " :camby:

What for are you personally attacking me?
Wallahi almost all the somalis i know there father is absent :mjlol: not my problem if you cant face it

I have uncles who are great fathers tho, so bot all dads ofcourse
But there are sure a lot fathers who are gone
Or else their sons wouldnt be killed by AA on the streets would they
I'll make you choke on your own blood. I have fought men more manly and honourable than trash like you. I will rip you to pieces.
wow i'm starting to like u.


im gonna have to ask you to retract that almost as well as the always because that is just relative to the west and as we all know somalis tend to spread around the world, if you for one second think that some deadbeats in some european or american states equate to the entire general populus of somali fathers you are dead wrong.

ill agree that somali mothers are made out of other stuff to be able to rear 7 kids while 2/7 are still in pushchairs day in day out, thats some superhuman shit. but even after all that a male figure is imperative in any household let alone somali ones.

even if a kid has a deadbeat father, the son will either go two ways, he will become a deadbeat like his dad or strive to be better than him, even for a deadbeat a fathers presence is still needed in a house.

before i deviate from my point what im going to repeat again is not to compare a couple of diaspora from a generation that grew up in civil war to all of the diaspora around the world and even for those men still back at home who work day in day out to get a scrap of food for their families, while you sit here bashing at them from your laptop when they have nothing to do with a portion of a failed generation diaspora living out in the west.

Let's talk about this at uni today saaxiib :hillarybiz:
May you get cancer all over your body.

I will curb stomp your skull. Treat women with respect or you'll be sorry.

Youshould be better than this
Its no good to say things like that, before your loved ones or even your mom gets sick

Leave that man alone, he should be dead in your mind
Care about things what matter like your mom


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
What for are you personally attacking me?
Wallahi almost all the somalis i know there father is absent :mjlol: not my problem if you cant face it

I have uncles who are great fathers tho, so bot all dads ofcourse
But there are sure a lot fathers who are gone
Or else their sons wouldnt be killed by AA on the streets would they

I agree theres alot of absent fathers In the Somali community to the point we have people praising Somali dads who are there for theyre kids and doing their role as a parent
I agree theres alot of absent fathers In the Somali community to the point we have people praising Somali dads who are there for theyre kids and doing their role as a parent

This is the only thing i wanted to say before i personally got attacked

I think i love our somali men the most for, knowing the worth of women
Ive never heard of somali men beating up women
Or mothers who are scared to leave their husband because he will kill them etc

Maybe also thats why arabs divorce less, their relationship is more fucked uo than ours pretty sure

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
This is the only thing i wanted to say before i personally got attacked

I think i love our somali men the most for, knowing the worth of women
Ive never heard of somali men beating up women
Or mothers who are scared to leave their husband because he will kill them etc

Maybe also thats why arabs divorce less, their relationship is more fucked uo than ours pretty sure
other adults including somali people i have met always give me a strange look whenever i tell them i live with my father instead of my mom. my friends mother actually was looking at my mother in shock when my mom attended my high school graduation. at that point i realized not that many somali kids live with their father once divorce happens. it didn't really think about that until that day. i recognized that look because that same look is what i recieved a lot.

a lot of them give me weird looks about it when i first tell them i live with my dad. they probably assuming my mother was troubled or something must have been wrong with her. my mother was completly fine. a strong independent women who was raising my other siblings. plus was making more money than her husband.
Deadbeat fathers lead to resentful daughters and jailbird sons.

Boys need a father more to stay out of trouble, usually girl's still succeed in life without their fathers.
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