Is there any lander thats against the mou deal.?


As you guys probably know I have become a successionst. However, having said that I am still 100 percent against the port deal and will.never support a country that's historically enemies to all Somalis in addition we so have an aggressive demographic willing to expand in our territories. How can any sane lander with dhiig think this is a good idea nit knowing they have half our land and are displacing the somalis there. don't you think they will do the same to us in 50.years time when they will present in our land if the so called port deal.haplens? have you guys literally forgot what they did in Borama killing innocent children? How can you be this pathetic and have no backbone? honestly this is the only time I agree with Somalia is not allowing the port deal to happen. And I will be honest I now fully comprehended and understand why sool left and why Awdal wants to leave, not that I agree but can you blame them? This is so upsetting and frustrating. I am all for Somaliland gaining independence but I wish we can do it other ways without selling our land.
I think that deal was terrible.

We gave away our economic leverage and position of security for a very tentative promise (that, mind you, will not carry any cascading effect beyond that country unless Ethiopia has stipulated it will aid in providing other recognitions as a minimum quota, which I highly doubt) of recognition by a 3rd world country that has no international pull and meager shares in an Airline company that has a financial ceiling that cannot cover a fraction of the economic drain by letting the Ethiopians circumvent our advantage in the logistical sea-access space. Furthermore, a lease for a naval base for many decades is ridiculously compromising regional security, giving the Ethiopians the means to hold strategic and economic dominance in the region.

Ethiopia is a massively growing production economy. Things have to move in and out. Their constraints were directly subject to our economic betterment, meaning they had to be humble enough to broker a deal giving us a powerful position that would have immense economic enrichment to Somaliland. That is now undermined by letting them redirect without using facilities. Later, they will likely build infrastructure that cuts through our economic systems, providing a lesser financial advantage for us in the name of "economic cooperation" while it was a side-stepping attempt.

Somalia has nothing to do with this. It's not their business. It's our loss, and we will have to own up to that by making better moves in the future. Hopefully, we will recoup the disadvantage, inshallah. It's not that consequential yet. I have not read the documents and would potentially be optimistic about making the best of a bad deal if it goes through.

Eastern Somaliland is a separate issue, brewing before this and that will be resolved, inshallah. Awdal will arguably get the most economic wins out of this since the economic flow is going to be on their end due to the trade logistics alone. This is a controversial subject so I am not going into this as I think it is best to keep discipline to the topic.

Another thing, I question your sincerity here. I've seen plenty of "I am Somalilander but Somalia is correct here" to turn later with a blue flag turning into weird Somalia nationalists. You've done it in the past, right? I don't think you understand loyalty, walaal. My pragmatic and realistic side tells me you wrote this to get positive validation from the Somalians. It's all love though. We all have our flaws.:pachah1:

To all the people tripping over the Somalians designation; it's a term for the people of Somalia. A demonym for a national. I love all Somalis. I have a clean track record with regards to clan and whatnot on this forum so I might be the only one who can say that here. That's what integrity affords you.:ehh:


I think that deal was terrible.

We gave away our economic leverage and position of security for a very tentative promise (that, mind you, will not carry any cascading effect beyond that country unless Ethiopia has stipulated it will aid in providing other recognitions as a minimum quota, which I highly doubt) of recognition by a 3rd world country that has no international pull and meager shares in an Airline company that has a financial ceiling that cannot cover a fraction of the economic drain by letting the Ethiopians circumvent our advantage in the logistical sea-access space. Furthermore, a lease for a naval base for many decades is ridiculously compromising regional security, giving the Ethiopians the means to hold strategic and economic dominance in the region.

Ethiopia is a massively growing production economy. Things have to move in and out. Their constraints were directly subject to our economic betterment, meaning they had to be humble enough to broker a deal giving us a powerful position that would have immense economic enrichment to Somaliland. That is now undermined by letting them redirect without using facilities. Later, they will likely build infrastructure that cuts through our economic systems, providing a lesser financial advantage for us in the name of "economic cooperation" while it was a side-stepping attempt.

Somalia has nothing to do with this. It's not their business. It's our loss, and we will have to own up to that by making better moves in the future. Hopefully, we will recoup the disadvantage, inshallah. It's not that consequential yet. I have not read the documents and would potentially be optimistic about making the best of a bad deal if it goes through.

Eastern Somaliland is a separate issue, brewing before this and that will be resolved, inshallah. Awdal will arguably get the most economic wins out of this since the economic flow is going to be on their end due to the trade logistics alone. This is a controversial subject so I am not going into this as I think it is best to keep discipline to the topic.

Another thing, I question your sincerity here. I've seen plenty of "I am Somalilander but Somalia is correct here" to turn later with a blue flag turning into weird Somalia nationalists. You've done it in the past, right? I don't think you understand loyalty, walaal. My pragmatic and realistic side tells me you wrote this to get positive validation from the Somalians. It's all love though. We all have our flaws.:pachah1:

To all the people tripping over the Somalians designation; it's a term for the people of Somalia. A demonym for a national. I love all Somalis. I have a clean track record with regards to clan and whatnot on this forum so I might be the only one who can say that here. That's what integrity affords you.:ehh:
I am loyal to Somaliland, I only said that because I was angry with the deal. Its only natural since I dont want them settling in our lands. It was a moment of anger. And btw there is no advantage to this. Nothing good will come out of this deal.
I am loyal to Somaliland, I only said that because I was angry with the deal. Its only natural since I dont want them settling in our lands. It was a moment of anger. And btw there is no advantage to this. Nothing good will come out of this deal.
I explored deeper a few months ago how this deal is bad on many different fronts that I don't delve into because it would become too analytical and long. So you're talking to a guy that is aware. However. When you do bad deals, all you can attempt, what is intelligent, is to make the best of the bad, right? So we have to move on and see what the specifics entail. What we can exploit within that. It's bad, but it's about how to make it less bad since not all bad are equal. Inshallah, may we be victorious. We have to look toward the future in ways that see possibilities. We'll have our moment. In this world, everything has ups and downs. Our corner has been down but I am hopeful for a glorious upswing that favors us. Inshallah.


I explored deeper a few months ago how this deal is bad on many different fronts that I don't delve into because it would become too analytical and long. So you're talking to a guy that is aware. However. When you do bad deals, all you can attempt, what is intelligent, is to make the best of the bad, right? So we have to move on and see what the specifics entail. What we can exploit within that. It's bad, but it's about how to make it less bad since not all bad are equal. Inshallah, may we be victorious. We have to look toward the future in ways that see possibilities. We'll have our moment. In this world, everything has ups and downs. Our corner has been down but I am hopeful for a glorious upswing that favors us. Inshallah.
Great response God forbid if the deal happens, we should look for the advantage.
Why is your name dates from puntland but your wishing death on their mujahideen. It’s confusing
eh we don't really care for morgan ngl, we just use his name when convenient for kaftan purposes. That guy is of very little use.

I'm not famililar with his history though apart from being a kacaan lapdog, what has he done for puntland for him to be a Mujahideen?
eh we don't really care for morgan ngl, we just use his name when convenient for kaftan purposes. That guy is of very little use.

I'm not famililar with his history though apart from being a kacaan lapdog, what has he done for puntland for him to be a Mujahideen?
Mohamed Barres right hand man at that


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Great response God forbid if the deal happens, we should look for the advantage.
What good will come out of this? Selling a land that belongs to another tribe is just asking to be attacked? Why dont you guys sell berbera or somewhere else?