Is Reality Objective Or Subjective?


As far as science is concerned Reality is objective and everyone experiences and interacts with it the same. Do u guys think reality can be subjective? Why do sharks sense blood in a sea of ocean water, but u can't? why can a lion see in the night yet you can't, why can dogs smell things like at custom which u couldn't. I suspect this ample evidence reality has a subjective 'layer' to it, the 'air' u see how do u know there isn't 'complex dimensions' within it but u can't interact with it.

This idea 'proof' is be all and end all isn't 100% accurate, everything we found or proven existed long before it was proven. So the argument stands true 'absence of evidence isn't evidence for absence'.


U can even 'tweak' people brains with psychedelic and it opens their reality to different dimensions which they didn't have naturally, why is that reality rejected as not 'real' even though u experienced it just like you do the natural world. It may not be 'natural experience' I accept, your brain isn't defaulted to interact with the world like that, but it's still a REAL experience.
I agree that this materialistic perception of reality is not everything in this world ('reality'), only a reading of our perception filter given to us by God for our purpose. There are uncountable things we don't know known to The Creator.

Different animals have various abilities, hearing, seeing, and smelling, biomechanical. Humans can't run explosively like large animals in short durations, but we can outrun any animal to the point of exhaustion and collapse. That's how some hunter-gatherers hunt for a food source. They jog for a few hours and kill the animal when it can't move anymore.

There are so many peculiar things in the world. How do the periodical cicadas know when to come out every 17 years? I know we have various speculations, but there are no confident answers.


I agree that this materialistic perception of reality is not everything in this world ('reality'), only a reading of our perception filter given to us by God for our purpose. There are uncountable things we don't know known to The Creator.

Different animals have various abilities, hearing, seeing, and smelling, biomechanical. Humans can't run explosively like large animals in short durations, but we can outrun any animal to the point of exhaustion and collapse. That's how some hunter-gatherers hunt for a food source. They jog for a few hours and kill the animal when it can't move anymore.

There are so many peculiar things in the world. How do the periodical cicadas know when to come out every 17 years? I know we have various speculations, but there are no confident answers.

Imagine there is complex dimensions to 'space' like dark-energy/dark matter which is already proven, but imagine the space has far more complexity such as 'life' but we can't interact with it or develop the testing to prove it, does it mean this can't exist due to our perception limitation? does it mean since we can't 'test' due to testing limitations it simply doesn't exist.

Did this invisible force/field gravity just start to exist becuz one day isaac newton woke up and said 'why dont thinks float or they keep falling down'? no these existed way before newton right? just cuz he proved it didn't mean it began to exist due to 'proof'? their could infinity level of unproven things due to our limitations.
“Cogito ergo sum” - I think therefore I am.

I think this is a strong argument for the view that it’s all about what sensory inputs our brain receives and how it interprets those.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
no one thinks it's subjective. whoever claims it's subjective- they may say so but they're still not going to jump off a tall building.


no one thinks it's subjective. whoever claims it's subjective- they may say so but they're still not going to jump off a tall building.

What I meant was gravity did it come to exist when isaac newton proved it, or always exist prior to newton? what if an infinite level of unproven things exist just becuz we dont have the methods to prove it yet, this debunks proof means something exist

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
What I meant was gravity did it come to exist when isaac newton proved it, or always exist prior to newton? what if an infinite level of unproven things exist just becuz we dont have the methods to prove it yet doesnt mean things only exist due to proof.

if you jumped off a tall building prior to Newton- would you fly? I wasn't there before Newton but I assume they would have fallen as well


if you jumped off a tall building prior to Newton- would you fly? I wasn't there before Newton but I assume they would have fallen as well

So u agree gravity always existed prior to newton, I do too. But follow the logic. What if an infinite unproven things exist but not proven yet due to our limitation

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
So u agree gravity always existed prior to newton, I do too. But follow the logic. What if an infinite unproven things exist but not proven yet due to our limitation

why? I can't see China and I've never been there but I assume it exists. I've never been to Europe or Australia but I believe they exist.


why? I can't see China and I've never been there but I assume it exists. I've never been to Europe or Australia but I believe they exist.

Ahhh u see science thru the 5 senses method, that's 1 method. But many other methods exists that can use tools-instruments-maths to find things beyond outside our 'senses'. So thats why i said even both ways to reach proof could be limited

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Ahhh u see science thru the 5 senses method, that's 1 method. But many other methods exists that can use tools-instruments-maths to find things beyond outside our 'senses'. So thats why i said even both ways to reach proof could be limited

why debate if reality is subjective. it's pointless. no one thinks it's subjective. if someone thinks it's subjective, let them post their bank account information and let me transfer their money. but no one is going to allow that.

we all know reality is objective, even the animals know it's objective. so I don't worry about questioning its objectivity.

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Material reality is objective however the reality our mind see’s is subjective. My eyes is constructed differently to yours so the colour blue that i see and the one you see are not exactly the same. People view of reality is different but it similar enough for us to communicate.
As far as science is concerned Reality is objective and everyone experiences and interacts with it the same. Do u guys think reality can be subjective? Why do sharks sense blood in a sea of ocean water, but u can't? why can a lion see in the night yet you can't, why can dogs smell things like at custom which u couldn't. I suspect this ample evidence reality has a subjective 'layer' to it, the 'air' u see how do u know there isn't 'complex dimensions' within it but u can't interact with it.

This idea 'proof' is be all and end all isn't 100% accurate, everything we found or proven existed long before it was proven. So the argument stands true 'absence of evidence isn't evidence for absence'.

Reality can not be objective in the sense that everyone is guaranteed to experience the same thing: some have different perceptions of color for instance.

I think it is reasonable to say there is a world outside of you and I that is independent of us. My reasoning is that humans, for the most part, come to a consensus on what objects are around us. If there were no observer independent world, we could not have the reliable consensus on the objects within the world.

Is that observer independent world material? Not necessarily, and to go further, I would suggest not the case. Materialism can not explain how consciousness arises from matter.
Material reality is objective however the reality our mind see’s is subjective. My eyes is constructed differently to yours so the colour blue that i see and the one you see are not exactly the same. People view of reality is different but it similar enough for us to communicate.

What is your evidence that reality is Material? The process of science can not support a metaphysical position.
This is deep confusing topic which I just researched.
This is einsteins interpretation.
To Einstein, the probabilistic description of the natural world couldn't be the final word. There had to be an objective reality out there, independent of the observer
I agree with that part, except ‘independent of the observer’.

This is Neil Bohrs interpretation.
Niels Bohr stated that quantum physics is not only stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think. It is the observer who creates what he 'sees' in the quantum world, without the observer, there is no existence.
I agree with what he said there. The universe requires ‘observation’
However he also said,
Bohr believed in a single, objective reality where human observation and interaction were responsible for determining that reality. He opposed Albert Einstein famously who did not want human involvement in reality at all.
This is where I disagree. The objective observation cannot be human or material interaction. Otherwise what observed it initially?

So Einstein believes in objective reality without observation and Bohr hypothesis concluded to a need for observation. But the question arrises, what observed the material observing.

My belief is that the are both right or wrong. I know I have absolutely no credentials in this topic nor even understand it, except at the most basic level just researched now lol, but I’m am looking at it purely through an Islamic theological perspective.
I believe that the universe has a need for it to be observed. Without the observation the object will not exist.

We will show them Our signs in the universe and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that this ˹Quran˺ is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a Witness over all things? - 41:53
Note that it says ‘your Lord is Witness over all things’. From the Quran this is proof that everything in the universe is observed. If God removes His Eye of Providence over the universe, the universe ceases to exist.
Note that these hypothesis cannot be tested and proved scientifically and are metaphysical concepts. You can choose to accept or reject them.

