Is it wrong to befriend a married woman?

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Son of Aw-Barre
I mean for the last 6month Aisha and I friendship had grown fast her husband never around she's 21
and she's has daughter

some nights she's calls me over to watch her and her daughter.

she trusts me more than her husband

but I never made her stoop to level that she commit adultery

should I continue this friendship or end it?




Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
Men and women can't have a relationship without one falling in love with the other eventually. I believe that men and women should be business partners/classmates at best. I wouldn't want my wife hanging around some men that she is not related to, and the same goes for me. I do not hang around women because my wife would not be comfortable with that.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Yes I believe you can be friends with a married person, but your "friendship" sounds creepy and suspect as hell.
Subxanallah. You might be friends right now but you can develop an adultery relationship. First it's haram to hang out with a girl, and worse is she married.

I think 20% of Somalispot users are atheist.


My heart is in Dhoqoshay
if you claim islam then you won't befriend women and go to their house when their husband isn't around. this is basic islam teachings they teach you when you are 13-14. did the adults in your life not teach you anything or did you learn your morals from seinfeld and rap videos

I think 20% of Somalispot users are athiest

much more than that. majority. if you add the munafiiq who are really cowardly atheist it is everyone but a few you can count on your hand. i will make it islamic and back to our roots
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