Is it true that men expire just like women for marriage?

I'm not a redpiller but those guys love to harp on how men, if they build themselves up, become more desirable as they age and that they wouldn't have the same problems that women do when it comes to romance in their 30s and higher

Is that true?
Follow the way of the prophet Mohamed in his dealings not these bums who have superiority complex over their future spouses .

I'm not a redpiller but those guys love to harp on how men, if they build themselves up, become more desirable as they age and that they wouldn't have the same problems that women do when it comes to romance in their 30s and higher

Is that true?
As for women, I don’t know. As for men, if the engine is running, then everything is fine, but I read information that if a man marries an older woman, the probability that their child will have Down syndrome is high.
As for women, I don’t know. As for men, if the engine is running, then everything is fine, but I read information that if a man marries an older woman, the probability that their child will have Down syndrome is high.

That's true. When women have children over 35, the chances of the baby being born with complications start to precipitously increase


Plotting world domination
Lool legit saw this last night.

Bro is a retired military vet living in California. Personally I feel like bro is living in the wrong area. California is pretty left leaning so a decent amount of chicks wouldn't even consider dating a military vet.
He would have a lot more options if he moved to Florida or Texas.

Anyways to answer your question I think a lot of men do hit a "wall". I've noticed most single men I've met above the age of 30 weren't really in great shape. They didn't seem like ideal bachelors that would have a bunch of women chasing after them.

The only ones that seemed to be living good were the ones with established careers.

We got too many 30-50 year olds working dead end jobs for over 10+ years. These single dudes end up having to settle for single moms and fat women.
From the studies, I have observed the increase of defects although moderately present in paternal aging, is not as severe as the increase in female aging. For example, children born with chromosome problems rise from 1/1250 for women in 25, to 1/100 in female 40 years olds. These are excluding other risk factors. To measure likeness in chromosome problems, it is 30% higher relative to men between 25 and 29 years old. But that is lower than over 1000% seen with women at 40.

So although generally an older man's sperm is moderately leading to certain risks relative to a man who is 25 years old, it is not as risky as a woman the same age whatsoever. So the notion of just "like men" is not supported by what we see in research.
No,I have seen 70+ old Adeers having healthy toddlers
It's true that men have it easier when dating/marrying compared to women, there's no debate here but compared to younger men, older men are more likely to have a sick child compared to a younger man. This makes sense too because older men's bodies are worn out and damaged compared to younger ones.


From the studies, I have observed the increase of defects although moderately present in paternal aging, is not as severe as the increase in female aging. For example, children born with chromosome problems rise from 1/1250 for women in 25, to 1/100 in female 40 years olds. These are excluding other risk factors. To measure likeness in chromosome problems, it is 30% higher relative to men between 25 and 29 years old. But that is lower than over 1000% seen with women at 40.

So although generally an older man's sperm is moderately leading to certain risks relative to a man who is 25 years old, it is not as risky as a woman the same age whatsoever. So the notion of just "like men" is not supported by what we see in research.
My father got married at 30 and had me shortly after, he had my siblings in his mid-40s, I believe general health is a good indicator of whether you have healthy children, He is very fit even now in his 50's.
My father got married at 30 and had me shortly after, he had my siblings in his mid-40s, I believe general health is a good indicator of whether you have healthy children, He is very fit even now in his 50's.
The stats show that it has no significant difference between age. The rise in "likelihood" is very minor in its individual outcome, since from 25 to 29, an already minor "likelihood". For example, what is a 30% rise from 1/2000? It is very low. Is it a rise? Yes. But not to the degree where you have to question if this is dangerous or not. That cannot be said for women.

I think each person should have the freedom and pop out babies without concern, however. So women in their 40s should pop out babies if they want. Still, I don't agree with the ideology that says women should wait until old age to have babies. That becomes a problem healthwise and demographically.
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The stats show that it has no significant difference between age. The rise in "likelihood" is very minor in its individual outcome, since from 25 to 29, an already minor "likelihood". For example, what is a 30% rise from 1/2000? It is very low. Is it a rise? Yes. But not to the degree where you have to question if this is dangerous or not. That cannot be said for women.

I think each person should have the freedom and pop out babies without concern, however. So women in their 40s should pop out babies if they want. Still, I don't agree with the ideology that says women should wait until old age to have babies. That becomes a problem healthwise and demographically.
Let’s be real, in the past in which women didn’t have access to birth control, the vast majority of women that survived back to back kids had their last children in their early to mid-40s.

Women have been having kids in their 40s for eternity since they didn’t have the luxury of preventative measures. Early marriages and and late birthing was part and parcel of the course since menopause usually happens in womens late 40s and early 50s, hence for the life of me, the whole idea of women not having kids in the 40s is indeed a weird modern concept the like the idea of women delaying having kids earlier in life.

Anways, there are a surplus of studies that shows that autism is more interlinked in fathers age than mothers btw. surprisingly, it is also an issue for very young mothers as well, teen mothers basically as well.

‘But a large 2014 study based on Swedish medical records hinted that the odds of autism among children born to fathers older than 45 are about 75 percent higher than for children born to fathers in their early 20s. And a 2010 analysis of Swedish data found that men over 55 are four times as likely to have a child with autism as men under 30.’

In 2006, a major study conducted by Abraham Reichenberg from Mount Sinai School of Medicine found that children born to men over age 40 were 5.75 times more likely to have autism than children born to men under the age of 30.1 It found no relationship between the age of a female parent and autistic offspring, however.

Either way, as Muslims we believe in Qadr. Demonizing older parents regardless of gender is just stupid since, even if a woman or man gets married young, that’s not going to stop them from having even more children later on. My mother married young, and had kids young, yet two of my siblings were born after she turned 38 and was well in her mid 40s when she had her last and it was the same for my gran and the women before as well.
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Lool legit saw this last night.

Bro is a retired military vet living in California. Personally I feel like bro is living in the wrong area. California is pretty left leaning so a decent amount of chicks wouldn't even consider dating a military vet.
He would have a lot more options if he moved to Florida or Texas.

Anyways to answer your question I think a lot of men do hit a "wall". I've noticed most single men I've met above the age of 30 weren't really in great shape. They didn't seem like ideal bachelors that would have a bunch of women chasing after them.

The only ones that seemed to be living good were the ones with established careers.

We got too many 30-50 year olds working dead end jobs for over 10+ years. These single dudes end up having to settle for single moms and fat women.
The issue is that he’s probably trying to date women in their 20s and early 30s. Age gaps aren’t the norm anymore in the Western world unless the man is ultra rich. As a man regardless of how good-looking and fit you come across most women who are significantly younger aren’t going to give you the change unless they’re benefiting financially.

Gen Z and younger millenial women see the world differently to their female predecessors and young and older men alike are struggling with this and can’t seem to accept this. The world simply isn’t the way it used to be.
My awoowe had my aunt in his 60 and at the same time my parents had my sister when they were in there late 20's. Both my aunt and sister are the same age and health. It's not about the man's age but is he financially stable to have children.


You need people like me
Let’s be real, in the past in which women didn’t have access to birth control, the vast majority of women that survived back to back kids had their last children in their early to mid-40s.

Women have been having kids in their 40s for eternity since they didn’t have the luxury of preventative measures. Early marriages and and late birthing was part and parcel of the course since menopause usually happens in womens late 40s and early 50s, hence for the life of me, the whole idea of women not having kids in the 40s is indeed a weird modern concept the like the idea of women delaying having kids earlier in life.

Anways, there are a surplus of studies that shows that autism is more interlinked in fathers age than mothers btw. surprisingly, it is also an issue for very young mothers as well, teen mothers basically as well.

‘But a large 2014 study based on Swedish medical records hinted that the odds of autism among children born to fathers older than 45 are about 75 percent higher than for children born to fathers in their early 20s. And a 2010 analysis of Swedish data found that men over 55 are four times as likely to have a child with autism as men under 30.’

In 2006, a major study conducted by Abraham Reichenberg from Mount Sinai School of Medicine found that children born to men over age 40 were 5.75 times more likely to have autism than children born to men under the age of 30.1 It found no relationship between the age of a female parent and autistic offspring, however.

Either way, as Muslims we believe in Qadr. Demonizing older parents regardless of gender is just stupid since, even if a woman or man gets married young, that’s not going to stop them from having even more children later on. My mother married young, and had kids young, yet two of my siblings were born after she turned 38 and was well in her mid 40s when she had her last and it was the same for my gran and the women before as well.
This is conflating relative vs absolute figures. If I have a 1 in 1000 chance of something occurring and it increased by 5 times as much, the absolute figure is still very low.
This is conflating relative vs absolute figures. If I have a 1 in 1000 chance of something occurring and it increased by 5 times as much, the absolute figure is still very low.
Show me the studies of these figures please.

Either way, the studies I’ve seen shows autism impacts fathers age more than mothers actually. With mothers it’s Down syndrome. Also, despite the increase in age of mothers in the Western world, it’s contributes to less than 5% of cases of children with issues.