I only have white friends!

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Ashy Abdi Representative
I have never had a white friend in my life. :rejoice:
Me too no offence but I can't click with white people just because I've been to schools with Asian muslims my whole life and yes I live in Europe more specificly in the UK. And I stay away from non muslims tbh and even muslims who barely are practising because I saw when I hung around with none muslims the conversations would be things I shouldn't talk about. They'd want to go partying and I don't go party other than female only or wedding or when I was with them I would forget praying etc. It just wasn't good for me when I wanted to practice more. I hang out with only somalis girls now I just instantly relate more with them and they make me better in islam and are just funnier to hang out with:it0tdo8:
Shout out to Somali girls we da bestest balance of deen and fun:lawd:
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