I Make $15K a month | Somali Entrepeneur (Somali Entrepeneur Group) E Commerce

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I need more information, before judging but what about this guy? The Somali Bernie Maddof:

Some how he convinced people around the UK and Europe to sign up to this MLM scam called ACN.
I have attended one of their team's conference, there were 17 year old Somali kids running around in
1k suits.
He made RVP in just six months, which pays him $25k a month :kanyehmm:
I need more information, before judging but what about this guy? The Somali Bernie Maddof:

Some how he convinced people around the UK and Europe to sign up to this MLM scam called ACN.
I have attended one of their team's conference, there were 17 year old Somali kids running around in
1k suits.
He made RVP in just six months, which pays him $25k a month :kanyehmm:

Interesting this is new to me. :ohhh: Nice intro:obama:

So this guy pulled a bernie maddof on People and scammed them in the UK? signed them up for a faux company scheme?

Now Bunch of wealthy somalis are making money of it. showing off their 1k suits?

Naw this is different from the topic of thread tho. This is more about the new growing trend of trading products, goods and services via computer and internett through Retailers like ( Amazon) etc..

its called E commerce. Think it will be worth a look
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@Geeljire Mb I did not mean to hijack your thread, seems like you're describing drop shipping which is
legit if you can find the right retailer, products and margins.

ACN operates around the world and has been around for 25 years now, but its basically a pyramid scheme.
Not hating the player though, at least he's Somali :letmeeat:


The mlm industry is a huge scam with cult like followers that tell lies to each other, why do I say this cos I have tried most of them even ACN was busy with it for a 1 year and half 25 k a month loolz beenta aduunyada , real businesses sell real value to people which these mlm scams don't do, anyway's back to the topic yes it's possible to make 15 k a month and much much more in E-commerce import export but it all depends on you're business model and being persistent.
Its not a lie though about how much he earns, not when your fob uncles:westbrookwtf: have signed up under him. He has
something like 1k people under him.

If you know ACN, then you should know how much someone earns when they reach the RVP level, check for yourself

https://instagram.com/ahmedfln/?hl=en Yes its a scam but still earning money :what1:


1st ACN pay's for almost all vacations but they are not real vacation's more like places they meet up well to indoctrinate, second yes they make money of recruitment's here and there but it's not residual income that comes in every month, the real money is supposed to be in the customers that you sign up to buy ACN product's guess how much they make of customers they sign up to buy their product's it's some thing like 2 or 3 cent's well it was at least in 2012 not sure if that is the same now, you know how many customers you have to sign up to even get to 1000-5000 dollars in residual income every month ? do the math, don't let a instagram account fool you that is just to attract more potential recruitment's trying to show of a fake life style he is not the only one doing it there are thousands like him, they rent mansions ferraris they even go to great length's where they even hire actors to give of the impression that they are really rich when they are not only to reel in the gullible and naive basically the get rick quick crowd, anyway's i can go on about it all night which i'm not going to do always do your due diligence on stuff like these that's about it.

Queen Carawelo

Wait so Ahmed mukhtar makes 25k a month? Is he married? I'm asking for a friend.
My little cousin from London is in this scam. He tells me its not a scam but i remember ACN from the 2000s when my own friends were brainwashed into this.
anyway's back to the topic yes it's possible to make 15 k a month and much much more in E-commerce import export but it all depends on you're business model and being persistent.

so it's very legit right? :ohhh: That somali guy on the video was going to show us the business model he uses on his website. He is trying to get more somalis join the e commerce bandwagon. Is it worth a try?

Queen Carawelo

Weren't you following what's being said? The guy is a hoax and his business is a hoax. He doesn't actually make 25k a month.
I didn't read the topic, all I read was where it said he made 25k a month.
It's true there's is money in e commerce if you find the right site/product. I have a site which generates 4k a month which requires very littel work. To make serious money you have to dominate your market. be in the top 3 results on the first page for a Google search on your subject.

I have heard of malis making silly money off acn. I haven't tried it my self because I'm not a people's person but there's something about acn which makes me think it's a pyramid scheme.
I dont know what kind of sixir they use but it was very hard for me to convince my 18 yr old bro that its a scum.I mean I told him in every successful project cadans would be majority. So I told him how come most of these folks are minorities.
ACN scummers finance their lifestyle from the subscription fees as well as other fees when for example they hold meetings.
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