I’m so fed up with timojileecs- my 1 millionth rant

We must learn from the best "Idi Dada Amin" this man deported more than 60000 Pakistanis Bangladeshis & Indians in one month without Uganda spending a cent
They’re in Somalia at the moment and I’m so disgusted whenever I see them, I went to another city near borama and they were there too! One tried to hit on me too in the bajaj (tuktuk) I was so pissed! Ruined my entire day

sick team america GIF
They are mostly in somaliland for some odd reason
These timojileec rant topics are becoming a staple of Somalispot nowadays.


The excessive rant style accompanied with shock humour is always genius. @caanoshaah does it really well. Maybe you should renamed yourself to Karak Chai and get over with it. Join the dark side! You cannot beat 1.6 billion people.
This the only website that allows for free speech so all my frustrations go here.. I’m sorry but damn it’s my only choice cuz god forbid I post any of this crap on reddit, insta etc I’d be banned for “hate speech” ASAP. I never rlly used Twitter it just feels like ass now tho somalispot is way better 💯Tysm and btw maybe I should 😘 😉 I need to find a way to make some money off them Naw maybe I should buy a Tim Hortons and hired a bunch of timojileec slaves + make them pay for LMIA too (that’s also apparently happening.. Canada is FUCKEDD!!!)

And remember this is just the jobless ones. I wanted to add more footage but somalispot only allows 5 max per post consider yourself f^cking lucky I was gonna add much more
Have you noticed it's mostly males too. There's barely any sight of women.
Indians are scammers too. They have destroyed Canada, and I hope they don't destroy the U.S. I live in Kenya, here they run the biggest hospitals and charge astronomical fees to patients. They tried that shit with my dad who was here for some health issue. Doctors approached us like they were sales people talking to us about which room to "book" and which medicine is the best. I told them nah you can't try that shit with me, I have seen your scamming and cheating ways before, they told me to leave the hospital but guess what? kulahaa we will kick you out of the hospital and then they called one of their ambulances to take me home.
At this point there's no place to run since they are in Somalia as well. :mjkkk: Even when leaving their stupid hospital, they wanted me to use their stupid stinky ambalance, I was like nah dog. I brought him with my own car and will take him with my own car gtfo filthy hairy midget timojileecs!
They are everywhere! Do you know they are now the majority in Guyana and Mauritius???

They literally take over any country they can. Modi knows he has a surplus of people. That's why everytime India has a trade agreement with another country; they stipulate that country must take their surplus of people.
They are everywhere! Do you know they are now the majority in Guyana and Mauritius???

They literally take over any country they can. Modi knows he has a surplus of people. That's why everytime India has a trade agreement with another country; they stipulate that country must take their surplus of people.
The worst thing is India not industrializing and focusing on the service industry instead. Cause the idiots at the world bank told them to. They should be making IPhones instead of delivering Uber eats in Croatia


Plotting world domination
You are missing the point. No one said we can replicate them entirely. It doesn’t also mean Somalis could not have become more wealthy and influential in the west/UK. Take the example how many Somalis spent most of their wealthy on homes in Somalia. Most of these people put their children through abject poverty so they can invest in mansions back they invested in business in the west, owning business complex to rent, or private school-the yields would have been far greater.

Somalis could have built alliances with Pakistani, Arabs and other blacks. There is no a reason a young, popular Somali candidate would not be able to become an MP in Brent for example.

from a business perspective, the level of discipline and hunger these guys have is absent in many Somalis in the West.

some people take offence to this because they live in this “we wiz macrobians mindset” and they can not accept that Timojilics grind much harder than Somalis and they keep their families together better than Somalis.

All I am saying is study the good in other communities and decipher how they moved ahead of us. Otherwise let us keep this landheere nonsense going and our discussions will centre on sounding like white supremacists against Timojilics.

you have men crying about Timojilics dominating the western cities. Did their fathers build the west?

"from a business perspective, the level of discipline and hunger these guys have is absent in many Somalis in the West.

some people take offence to this because they live in this “we wiz macrobians mindset” and they can not accept that Timojilics grind much harder than Somalis and they keep their families together better than Somalis."

Somalis are one of the most uneducated immigrant groups in the west. Most of our parents never went to school. By western standards most of them literally weren't fit to be parents.

Before the civil war there was only a minority of educated Somalis and most of them lived in xamar.
Many newly arrived Timojilec guys live in bedrooms with up to 10-20 guys in their first few years.

After a few years one of them buys a small shop.

a few years later he would have extended the shop or entered a partnership with someone else .
When they buy properties or business shops to lease rarely will they sell it to a black person. This is how they operate in London. They are the the most anti black community on earth.

when it comes to politics they settle en masse in certain area to ensure they have chokehold on planing permission, votes, local councillors and planning permission etc…..Some areas in London returned a timojilic councillors or MPS for the last 30 years. When the cadaans see their area getting taken over they flee to surbubs.

in some areas in London specific demographics of timojilic have a specific chokehold over certain areas. In Southall, it is largely Hindus; Bengalis in Tower Hamlets and so on and so forth.

These guys have caste systems which have operated for for thousands of years and survey sub families are Specific jobs.

instead of moaning about them Somalis in the West should learn the good from them and disregard their cons.
I’d have argued southall is more Sikh/Punjabi than it is hindu although they’re present, but yeah I agree with the sentiment.


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