Humanity are all brown

Equality is a western philosophy that tries to place people in the same position. When all races of people have different health and physical needs.

Black people (and Somalis) are groups who would highly likely to have higher blood pressure compare to other races and vitamin d deficiencies if they’re not exposed to the sun.

I’m all for equity:
You say equality isn’t a western philosophy as if equity isn’t. Societies in the west today are among the only ones in the world that invest so much into certain communities that have historically fallen behind based on certain metrics

Dinka are the most darkest groups of Africa.
Their skins are really dark which ranges similar to black skin tone.

Celtics groups and Nordic groups are the most pale groups of Europe. And their skin tone ranges similar that of white.
But most white people are pink. Especially when they reach the climate.

But The Western concept of white and black are not based at all. Since not every Africans are black and not every Europeans are white.
Look at the Mediterraneans for example. Or Africans sub Saharan ethnic groups that are not black but brown skin or little to light skin.
Ask @Nilotic he'll tell you


The most hated man in here
I was so confused LMFAO Anok has Dinka/Neur features a lot of the girlies I see on TikTok have those same features.Our reer abti :banderas: we are truly blessed 🥲
We are not related to Nilotic people but only Cushitic people. We are unique and most exotic people in Africa.
Kulaha “humanity is brown”. This guy never been to Ireland which has the most palest of people. Or Sudan the most darkest of people.

Same argument that all humans bleed the same. Yeah So do other animals bleed the same colour red.

We’re not all equal.
The guy is right, you’re just brainwashed and see people as “black” and “white” when in reality everyone is some variation of creamish/brownish.

People’s skin colour actually aren’t different, it’s their lightness or darkness. If you look at a white man in inverted colours they’re dark blue

If you look at a black man in inverted colours they’re light blue

The colours are the same, and this is pretty much the most extreme example.


In terms of this colour wheel humans will only lie between the 30 to 44 angle, with the real variation between humans being the lightness darkness. You actually have to have a IQ lower than 70 to believe that white people are literally white and black people are literally black.
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