OPINION HSM - The Next 5 Years Will Be A Disaster

Jubaland which is basically just kismayo makes more revenue than all of his shithole state galnus

bro how reliable are these figures. I am actually amazed jubaland collected that amount in one quarter despite the blockades and beef villa Somalia had done with the region in the last 5 years

what are the sources for these Twitter data ?

Capo Dhoore

bro how reliable are these figures. I am actually amazed jubaland collected that amount in one quarter despite the blockades and beef villa Somalia had done with the region in the last 5 years

what are the sources for these Twitter data ?
It was issued by the central bank of somalia bro . Check out their page 👇

They post all quarterly and annual reports on there.
Once Madoobe is gone next year, JL will be neutralised and HSM can then exploit the differences between PL and JL.

PL isn’t going anywhere. Y’all will just be ignored. Like they say put up or shut up.

If y’all act up HSM will teach y’all a lesson again like he did in Galkayo in 15/16. SL will also continue to take over SSC and you’ll lose the seats you claim.

Banadir is happening, whether you like it or not.
And what did you guys achieve in 15/16?
Did you take the whole city of Galkacyo and all of Mudug region?
I remember Abidikarim Guled telling reporters that he will have all of Galkacyo in his control and how your other leaders were telling everyone that their borders are all the way to Burtinle. 😂
And what did you guys achieve in 15/16?
Did you take the whole city of Galkacyo and all of Mudug region?
I remember Abidikarim Guled telling reporters that he will have all of Galkacyo in his control and how your other leaders were telling everyone that their borders are all the way to Burtinle. 😂
I remember galmudug officials saying they were surprised puntland tanks were rolling through shelling areas.
Alhamduliallah!!!! After what happened to us in xamar 1991 we will always stay on our P's and Q's

From now on harti and all darood is invited and will remain vigilant until we not only get closure, but a good faithed peace agreement.
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All I see are MJs crying in this thread. I posted a UN source on how aid is distributed and niggas are changing the subject to which state gets the most revenue kkk :bell:
All I see are MJs crying in this thread. I posted a UN source on how aid is distributed and niggas are changing the subject to which state gets the most revenue kkk :bell:
Did we burry u in your backyards and say forget about it? Nah


All I see are MJs crying in this thread. I posted a UN source on how aid is distributed and niggas are changing the subject to which state gets the most revenue kkk :bell:

I'll make an informative thread on this subject later this weekend when I have time 👍
Let them know. FGS is much powerful than when Hasan took as the first govt after transitional govt of Sheikh Sharif. Better funded, 100 times better equipped militarily. 4 years of all dooro being mucaarad. Dont bother going back and forth with them till the last year if you can still tolerate them lol. Them as mucaarad is none stop oohin compared to hawiye.

Are you giving some credit to Farmaajo without even knowing?


The most eggcelent member
HSM has already been tried and tested, this man was supposed to stabilize the south and what did he do? He tried to disturb PL in Galkacyo. Imagine the level of 'stupidity' in this man's ambuulo brain. Not only did he not pacify the south, he tried to destabilize already peaceful regions.

The other thing is this man promotes 'nationalism' and 'Islamism'.

Islamism that is practised regionally or nationally isn't even proper Islam. They're has been no caliphate after 'Ali' died, the Islamic world had kingdoms only. To have a caliphate you need all Islamic countries united which won't happen. So this guy doesn't even understand Islamism can't be practised with 'ahsabiyah' or 'nationalism' nor can any nation take upon Islamic system unless the whole ummah is united like under the 'rashidun khalifa'.

The other thing he promotes is the 'failed nationalism' of Siyad Barre. Nationalism is IDENTITY politics, it's one of the lowest form of politics. Individualism not 'group' idealogy is what makes a society thrive. To say you hate 'qabyalad' and replace that with another 'group idealogy of nationalism' only shows you how idiotic this man is.

Why is it these 'southies' think it's 'cool' to be seen as a nationalist and 'bad' to be seen as 'qabyalad' driven? both systems are identity politics. In-fact it's well agreed by all political experts that politics isn't national but all local(tuulo). Can't these southies stand on they're own when they keep crying for 'nationalism'?
you are pretty right except for one thing, there were other legitimate caliphates.

the ummayyads held all the lands of islam at the time and the abbassids held amost everything save for a few rebelling outskirts.

the ottomans were also a caliphate, whethere you like them or not.

despite their flaws they united most of the muslims at the time and supported muslims against kaffir worldwide including our great sultan axmed gurey!

don't disrespect the other caliphates because they aren't as good as the rashidun, nobody can get close to them except the mahdi and isa (AS).
you are pretty right except for one thing, there were other legitimate caliphates.

the ummayyads held all the lands of islam at the time and the abbassids held amost everything save for a few rebelling outskirts.

the ottomans were also a caliphate, whethere you like them or not.

despite their flaws they united most of the muslims at the time and supported muslims against kaffir worldwide including our great sultan axmed gurey!

don't disrespect the other caliphates because they aren't as good as the rashidun, nobody can get close to them except the mahdi and isa (AS).
Ummayads Abbasids ottomans almohads Fatimids are all empires not caliphate.
Based on the appointments so far this regime looks like it will be a disaster. How shocked scale 1-10? Zero.

Will probably be 4 years of biliqo followed by ‘dadban’ elections. Not gonna waste my time…
Based on the appointments so far this regime looks like it will be a disaster. How shocked scale 1-10? Zero.

Will probably be 4 years of biliqo followed by ‘dadban’ elections. Not gonna waste my time…

Your the West Gedo who supported Farmajoo wrong or right. You never criticized your uncle for giving all the jobs to Merehan and langaab Daroods.

HSM is from Mogadishu in his own land and with his own people. So how can someone biliqo what is already theirs. And if HSM gives us jobs than we deserve it just as anybody else.
Your the West Gedo who supported Farmajoo wrong or right. You never criticized your uncle for giving all the jobs to Merehan and langaab Daroods.

HSM is from Mogadishu in his own land and with his own people. So how can someone biliqo what is already theirs. And if HSM gives us jobs than we deserve it just as anybody else.
Time will tell.:westbrookswag:


The most eggcelent member
Ummayads Abbasids ottomans almohads Fatimids are all empires not caliphate.
this is false, the caliphates were caliphates.

an empire is a large political entity, a caliphate is the religious leadership of the muslims.

despite their faults, the ummayyads, the abbassids, and the ottomans were all the religious leaders and all held the 3 holy cities simultaneously!

The later two also began pretty morally, while the ummayyads began evil but became a bit better towards the middle of their power.

they filled the role of caliphate because they held the cities and were listened too by the islamic world, and were recognized by most of the other muslims as legitimate.

as for the almohads and fatimids, the former never held the 3 cities and were never seriously considered the caliphs by their brothers in faith so they are not a caliphate.

the fatimids are debateable because they weren't sunni and weren't given widespread recognition, but they did indeed hold the 3 cities.

Also my last point is that the mahdi in the future will not only have to fight his brothers, but he will cause many wars to strengthen the caliphate so being an expansionist empire doesn't mean you aren't a caliphate.

even the rashidun was expansionist and had many internal problems.


The most eggcelent member
Based on the appointments so far this regime looks like it will be a disaster. How shocked scale 1-10? Zero.

Will probably be 4 years of biliqo followed by ‘dadban’ elections. Not gonna waste my time…
this is what happens when you get rid of a true leader in favor of a scoundrel because he is the tribe you don't like.

qabilism is one of, if not the worst thing to cripple somalia as a democracy.

somalia simply can't have a working democracy until qabilism is not as important, so it may as well be a sultanate or dictatorship. At least that way something gets done instead of non-stop power-struggles.