How to Read Wisely: Not Just Flipping Pages


I put Books to the Test of Life
I know people who read a lot, book after book, from cover to cover, yet I wouldn't necessarily label them as 'well-read.' While they accumulate a vast amount of knowledge, their brains struggle to organize and distinguish between what's useful and what's not in a book. The primary goal of reading, in my opinion, is not just for the sake of reading itself but as a means to an end. It helps build a framework that complements an individual's talents and capabilities.

The first purpose of reading is to equip oneself with the tools and materials necessary for their chosen path in life, be it earning a livelihood or pursuing higher aspirations. The second purpose is to gain a general understanding of the world we live in. However, it's crucial that the knowledge gained through reading isn't just stored sequentially but treated like individual pieces in a mosaic, each finding its proper place in forming a comprehensive world-picture in the reader's mind.

Failure to do so leads to a chaotic jumble of notions, which not only serves no practical purpose but can also breed conceit. The danger lies in mistaking book knowledge for real-life understanding. A person with such a mindset may struggle to apply their knowledge when needed because their mental organization is more like a literal transcript of the books they've read.

In practical situations, the widely-read individual may find themselves in a state of confusion, unable to recall information without specific references to the books and pages. This can lead to embarrassing situations and potentially misguided actions. Therefore, the true value of reading lies in its application and integration into one's understanding of the world rather than as a mere accumulation of information from books.

Internet Nomad

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If I want to retain a bookโ€™s information I usually listen to it half asleep at night and then reread it the next day when i am fully awake.

its like my subconscious and conscious brain connecting.

