How to deal with breakups

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Somaliweyn Unionist
Yeah mate, i'm tryna cleanse me from my sins and make it into heaven:dabcasar:
I heard one sawm washes away sins for 80 years. And one tahjit prayer on laylatul qadr = all sins washed away. Islamic rulings are mathematically challenged. Sin all your life and pray 1 laylatul qadr. :icon lol:


"I'm tryna cleanse my sins and make it to heaven" ku yeh :drakelaugh:
Masaajidka ciyaarta ka daa:ufdup:
Are you even a muslim?:stopit:
I heard one sawm washes away sins for 80 years. And one tahjit prayer on laylatul qadr = all sins washed away. Islamic rulings are mathematically challenged. Sin all your life and pray 1 laylatul qadr. :icon lol:
My soul is pure. Too pure for this dunya
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Somaliweyn Unionist
How to deal with breakups:

1. Let him know your worth by leaving him, not crying, and not looking back.

2. Do things you love. I know this is cliche but you probably spent all your leisure time with that guy instead of working on your hobbies. My hobbies happen to be watching Korean dramas and doing research.

3. Spend as much time outside as possible. Do you remember all those days you spent half the day in bed talking to him on the phone or texting him? Your bed now constantly reminds you of him. So make sure you're as far away as possible from the place that you used to spend all day talking to him.

4. Have constant prayers. I've had God alongside me this whole time so I really don't miss the guy. Sometimes I'll see something political and want to text it to him right away since he was always on top of his politics but then I remember he's no longer in my life so I make this simple prayer:

Dear Lord and Heavenly Father, please allow me to spend less time thinking about him and invest my time into thoughts that will please you. Amen (I then make the sign of the cross).

5. Work, work, work. I can't stress this enough. We all wish we could be a little bit smarter or a little bit more hard working. Put all that time you think about him into work. For me it's studying.

6. If he really was an integral part of your life and the breakup was very hard on you, do everything you wish you could do to please him for yourself. The breakup before this (2 ywar relationship) I would constantly worry about my appearance and would exercise because he was a workout junky. While with him my appearance stayed the same because I was doing it to please him but after I left him my skin became clearer, I lost 25 lbs and my hair grew out because I was doing it for myself. I'll be honest the first 10 lbs I lost due to not eating because the breakup hit me so hard but it was a real boost to me losing more weight.

Last but not least if you really loved the guy and you can't imagine life without him right know, do not feel bad for remembering him at night when you feel lonely. Don't feel guilty for thinking about him because God brought him into your life for a reason. This said, there are 3.125+ billion men on this Earth. Many of them are far better than this guy. And you really CAN live without him!

I pray that God blesses all the women who are reading this and are in dire need of the Lord to guide them.

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
It's quite simple: more fish in the sea. No matter whoever breaks up with you, there's always someone else out there. every no is a blessing to get someone better hhhhhh :dabcasar:
War soco. Better not catch you talking about MJ again. :childplease:
What? I praised u and my role model abdala.
@Gambar ur the most normal human on here, ur views r not chaotic like the rest of the barbarians. In fact ur my favourite female poster in somalispot. Iga rali ahow, I won't mention Mj ever again. :kendrickcry: I have had a surge of qabilism today the hunger got to me, I will return to normal after I sleep.

@Abdalla pls do not diagnose me brother. U lot r some of my favourite posters on here.


What? I praised u and my role model abdala.
@Gambar ur the most normal human on here, ur views r not chaotic like the rest of the barbarians. In fact ur my favourite female poster in somalispot. Iga rali ahow, I won't mention Mj ever again. :kendrickcry: I have had a surge of qabilism today the hunger got to me, I will return to normal after I sleep.

@Abdalla pls do not diagnose me brother. U lot r some of my favourite posters on here.

Thanks aboow, but I'm like a female lion when I see MJ.

I don't know if I take the most normal human on here as praise :ftw9nwa: lakiin mahadsanid walalkey.
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