How times have changed, the cultural eating etiquette's of our Xalimo's

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I have an IQ of 300
Why don't we all just start going to the gym more?
Somali men and women, both groups just start working out, you will be happier with yourself and with the way you look :banderas:
If everyone was in shape or in the process of getting in shape I think there would be a lot more happiness in the world :cosbyhmm:
Why don't we all just start going to the gym more?
Somali men and women, both groups just start working out, you will be happier with yourself and with the way you look :banderas:
If everyone was in shape or in the process of getting in shape I think there would be a lot more happiness in the world :cosbyhmm:

A skinny person is not unhealthy in fact to the contrary, but a fat/obese person is. This topic is not about aesthetically pleasing size/figures etc but curing the highly toxic unhealthy obesity in our women which seems to go past the head of most people.

If I urge you to loose weight for your own health and well being, but you counter this with "your skinny" gain weight, your countering a statement about your own health with a statement about aesthetics.

This is what's lost on the likes of @arawelo 2.0 is that this is not about looks, aesthetics, boob size etc. but health.

Had they been the same size as the Farax's or even slightly bigger, no one would have had any issues, the whole reason for this topic is to instil a culture of shame to reverse these despicable trends which I see.

I am very sincere too and this will help other brothers because I have already made my mind up to do it back home, this is my own voluntary contribution to the cause because I care for both sides here.
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I have an IQ of 300
A skinny person is not unhealthy in fact to the contrary, but a fat/obese person is. This topic is not about aesthetically pleasing size/figures etc but curing the highly toxic unhealthy obesity in our women which seems to go past the head of most people.
A skinny person who is excessively skinny can be unhealthy, same goes for excessively fat/obese people.
Excessives in either direction are unhealthy. Also you can be skinny and completely out of shape and have a weak heart, which puts you at a higher level of risk of heart disease than a "healthy" person. Being skinny doesn't automatically make you healthy.


The Qadr of Allaah ta’aala is always in our favor.
You're overreacting mate. I never knew this was an issue for some people until one day when I went out having dinner with my cousin in Borama. This guy was looking at us and said things like "These girls don't have any shame. You can not eat in public as a girl." I was so pissed off, tf we can't eat in public. I can eat wherever I want, whenever I want.

About being fat... Well the best thing to do is to look after yourself and to just hit the gym of course. It's not everyone's cup of tea unfortunately. But fat shaming people is just rude af. You can't do that.
You're overreacting mate. I never knew this was an issue for some people until one day when I went out having dinner with my cousin in Borama. This guy was looking at us and said things like "These girls don't have any shame. You can not eat in public as a girl." I was so pissed off, tf we can't eat in public. I can eat wherever I want, whenever I want.

About being fat... Well the best thing to do is to look after yourself and to just hit the gym of course. It's not everyone's cup of tea unfortunately. But fat shaming people is just rude af. You can't do that.

When even the upper/middle class infidel white women carry this shame as well as look after their bodies far better then our Muslim Xaalimo's for who it's a religious right, it goes to show the brutality of the level of shameless deterioration.

It's an issue effecting all Muslim women but our Xaalimo's are by far the worst culprits, It's rare to find slim petite Xaalimo's nowadays in the UK, it's absolutely gut wrenching that when I walk the streets 9 out of every 10 I see is either fat or obese, while the 1 that isn't is usually not even slim but normal.

To further add to this shame they pack all the fast food places more so then our Farax's, and I don't even blame them for this, it's the qashin bakhti saaqid filthy bila dhiig bila damiir bila xishood qurun dayuus males who encourage this and those that remain silent that I blame for this tragedy.

Women are naturally trend followers, if the majority of the guys champion the natural default healthy slim petite women, the women make the effort to confirm and vice versa, you see this with the Asian's and upper/middle class whites, it's reinforced everywhere from magazines, modelling, soaps etc.

Yet no such culture exists within Somali's in fact the shameless opposite culture exist that encourages this, such shameless culture is only seen in black communities, it's no wonder why all black communities are were they are today, no else is dumb enough to encourage all forms of diseases, only idiots do.

I don't see you ever berate those people or go after them who encourage obesity, heart disease and diabetes, but the moment I go to war with these people and try to foster the healthy, slim, petite as well as revive the sunnah to people that their body has a right over them, you get your knickers in a twist.

It goes to show how shameless you have all become, it's like having a conversation with the brainwashed white women about female modesty, they will attack you but when I talk about bikini's/G-strings no one will say anything.

This is a testament to how deep that corruption has seeped inside of you that both male's and female's who are normally quiet when obesity/diseases are encouraged suddenly go crazy when someone becomes pro health, pro sunnah and anti disease.
In my day Somali women didn't even go to restaurants, it was ceeb and they ate left overs of their kids dinner. These liberated Somali women are just enjoying the freedoms their mothers never had. I wish they'd avoid fast food though. Being a fatso is bad for your health
When did we become hairy pakis, huh:gucciwhat:
You're overreacting mate. I never knew this was an issue for some people until one day when I went out having dinner with my cousin in Borama. This guy was looking at us and said things like "These girls don't have any shame. You can not eat in public as a girl." I was so pissed off, tf we can't eat in public. I can eat wherever I want, whenever I want.

About being fat... Well the best thing to do is to look after yourself and to just hit the gym of course. It's not everyone's cup of tea unfortunately. But fat shaming people is just rude af. You can't do that.

Did you find out the root cause as to why Somalis back home see things this way sis? They associate gluttony with ignobility . If you eat fast and too much from a shared plate, you get the looks. If you walk out with food in your mouth, the same happens. There are few other things they frown upon including stinginess. When you go out with friends and eat, it is the norm to fight over who pays first at the register. Anyone among the group who stays back a little will be noted LOL.
When even the upper/middle class infidel white women carry this shame as well as look after their bodies far better then our Muslim Xaalimo's for who it's a religious right, it goes to show the brutality of the level of shameless deterioration.

It's an issue effecting all Muslim women but our Xaalimo's are by far the worst culprits, It's rare to find slim petite Xaalimo's nowadays in the UK, it's absolutely gut wrenching that when I walk the streets 9 out of every 10 I see is either fat or obese, while the 1 that isn't is usually not even slim but normal.

To further add to this shame they pack all the fast food places more so then our Farax's, and I don't even blame them for this, it's the qashin bakhti saaqid filthy bila dhiig bila damiir bila xishood qurun dayuus males who encourage this and those that remain silent that I blame for this tragedy.

Women are naturally trend followers, if the majority of the guys champion the natural default healthy slim petite women, the women make the effort to confirm and vice versa, you see this with the Asian's and upper/middle class whites, it's reinforced everywhere from magazines, modelling, soaps etc.

Yet no such culture exists within Somali's in fact the shameless opposite culture exist that encourages this, such shameless culture is only seen in black communities, it's no wonder why all black communities are were they are today, no else is dumb enough to encourage all forms of diseases, only idiots do.

I don't see you ever berate those people or go after them who encourage obesity, heart disease and diabetes, but the moment I go to war with these people and try to foster the healthy, slim, petite as well as revive the sunnah to people that their body has a right over them, you get your knickers in a twist.

It goes to show how shameless you have all become, it's like having a conversation with the brainwashed white women about female modesty, they will attack you but when I talk about bikini's/G-strings no one will say anything.

This is a testament to how deep that corruption has seeped inside of you that both male's and female's who are normally quiet when obesity/diseases are encouraged suddenly go crazy when someone becomes pro health, pro sunnah and anti disease.

Bro, fat is a global phenomenon due changed diets. Many societies are now dealing with this problem. Processed food plays a role.
LOL my mom used to say its bad manners nimaan lugu ma hor cuno. And thats how we do it at family reunions

That is the culture. Boys enjoyed special status too as kids. They were never allowed to set foot in the kitchen. Still the same and a 30 year old lives comfortably in America with his mom.
Bro, fat is a global phenomenon due changed diets. Many societies are now dealing with this problem. Processed food plays a role.

Yes but why are our Xaalimo's so disproportionately effected ? why is it that any statistics you check black women in particular have the highest % when it comes to obesity ? why does even your own personal experience show the same trend ?

Why does every other group make efforts except our women? We have female only gyms all over London, go and speak to those women they will tell you the same thing everyone else already knows (no Xaalimo's here), how many Xaalimo's that are into fitness do you know or seen?

I don't know what the situation is outside of the UK, but it's absolutely gut wrenching here and the reason why we have it so bad along with other blacks of which we are the worst is simply because we encourage this disgusting trend while the few that don't choose to despicably remain silent, something no other culture does.

I have this type of conversation with those bakhti males that marry all the time, now I am talking about the very few who are fortunate enough to marry normal sized women (not even petite or slim)

I tell them to catch her before it becomes to late because the pain you will cause her in the end is nothing in comparison to the none existent pain you feel you will cause her by slapping the breaks on her before she reaches a point of no return, you are in fact showing mercy as well as reminding her about the sunnah of looking after the rights of your body.

But as always that clueless doqon refuses this, but then after 10, 30, 50, 80 and in some cases 100 pounds of weight is added on to his wife's body with that bakhti consenting all along until she reaches a point of no return, one of three things happen.

1) He becomes so viscerally disgusted by the idea of sleeping with her he simply doesn't (which causes her a great deal of pain and trauma) or he makes it so quick it has the same effect.

2) Seeks a second wife to cope with his visceral disgust.

3) Divorces her out of utter disgust.

I feel for these poor women because they are at a point of no return and already condemned to the early stages of all kinds of diseases. You are as much of a culprit with your wishy washy excuses instead of confronting this despicable trend, had I encouraged obesity like our culture dictates, you wouldn't have said much, but unlike you I care enough to confront this despicable shameless trend.
Yes but why are our Xaalimo's so disproportionately effected ? why is it that any statistics you check black women in particular have the highest % when it comes to obesity ? why does even your own personal experience show the same trend ?

Why does every other group make efforts except our women? We have female only gyms all over London, go and speak to those women they will tell you the same thing everyone else already knows (no Xaalimo's here), how many Xaalimo's that are into fitness do you know or seen?

I don't know what the situation is outside of the UK, but it's absolutely gut wrenching here and the reason why we have it so bad along with other blacks of which we are the worst is simply because we encourage this disgusting trend while the few that don't choose to despicably remain silent, something no other culture does.

I have this type of conversation with those bakhti males that marry all the time, now I am talking about the very few who are fortunate enough to marry normal sized women (not even petite or slim)

I tell them to catch her before it becomes to late because the pain you will cause her in the end is nothing in comparison to the none existent pain you feel you will cause her by slapping the breaks on her before she reaches a point of no return, you are in fact showing mercy as well as reminding her about the sunnah of looking after the rights of your body.

But as always that clueless doqon refuses this, but then after 10, 30, 50, 80 and in some cases 100 pounds of weight is added on to his wife's body with that bakhti consenting all along until she reaches a point of no return, one of three things happen.

1) He becomes so viscerally disgusted by the idea of sleeping with her he simply doesn't (which causes her a great deal of pain and trauma) or he makes it so quick it has the same effect.

2) Seeks a second wife to cope with his visceral disgust.

3) Divorces her out of utter disgust.

I feel for these poor women because they are at a point of no return and already condemned to the early stages of all kinds of diseases. You are as much of a culprit with your wishy washy excuses instead of confronting this despicable trend, had I encouraged obesity like our culture dictates, you wouldn't have said much, but unlike you I care enough to confront this despicable shameless trend.

I am not in denial that we need to work on our health issues as Somalis. We disproportionately suffer from diabetes in America which is killing the elders in our area. Our men and Women need a cultural change and buy into the idea of a good diet and an exercise.

It will take time and an effort to get that message across.
Yes but why are our Xaalimo's so disproportionately effected ? why is it that any statistics you check black women in particular have the highest % when it comes to obesity ? why does even your own personal experience show the same trend ?

Why does every other group make efforts except our women? We have female only gyms all over London, go and speak to those women they will tell you the same thing everyone else already knows (no Xaalimo's here), how many Xaalimo's that are into fitness do you know or seen?

I don't know what the situation is outside of the UK, but it's absolutely gut wrenching here and the reason why we have it so bad along with other blacks of which we are the worst is simply because we encourage this disgusting trend while the few that don't choose to despicably remain silent, something no other culture does.

I have this type of conversation with those bakhti males that marry all the time, now I am talking about the very few who are fortunate enough to marry normal sized women (not even petite or slim)

I tell them to catch her before it becomes to late because the pain you will cause her in the end is nothing in comparison to the none existent pain you feel you will cause her by slapping the breaks on her before she reaches a point of no return, you are in fact showing mercy as well as reminding her about the sunnah of looking after the rights of your body.

But as always that clueless doqon refuses this, but then after 10, 30, 50, 80 and in some cases 100 pounds of weight is added on to his wife's body with that bakhti consenting all along until she reaches a point of no return, one of three things happen.

1) He becomes so viscerally disgusted by the idea of sleeping with her he simply doesn't (which causes her a great deal of pain and trauma) or he makes it so quick it has the same effect.

2) Seeks a second wife to cope with his visceral disgust.

3) Divorces her out of utter disgust.

I feel for these poor women because they are at a point of no return and already condemned to the early stages of all kinds of diseases. You are as much of a culprit with your wishy washy excuses instead of confronting this despicable trend, had I encouraged obesity like our culture dictates, you wouldn't have said much, but unlike you I care enough to confront this despicable shameless trend.
In the UK is it that bad? Or is it your own bias? Here in america the obesity rate in general has gone up not just for somali women.

But if you want some insight read my baati thread. It explains how the baati has created a culture of carelessness with the appearance and how it destroys the self esteem :liberaltears:
I am not in denial that we need to work on our health issues as Somalis. We disproportionately suffer from diabetes in America which is killing the elders in our area. Our men and Women need a cultural change and buy into the idea of a good diet and an exercise.

It will take time and an effort to get that message across.

The only way this is going to work is to speak out against it whenever you get the chance both in private and in public, more and more people will do the same until that desired cultural change happens, it may take years, or decades or even a generations, but someone has to start that ball rolling.

I had previously been speaking out in private mostly with groups and all, but after I read comments of petite healthy Xaalimo's looking for ways to get fat because this despicable crowds made them feel insecure, I totally lost it.
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The only way this is going to work is to speak out against it whenever you get the chance both in private and in public, more and more people will do the same until that desired cultural change happens, it may take years, or decades or even a generations, but someone has to start that ball rolling.

I had previously been speaking out in private mostly with groups and all, but after I read comments of petite healthy Xaalimo's looking for ways to get fat because this despicable crowds made them feel insecure, I totally lost it.

Here is the challenge from you. In Six months, you must post your pic from below the neck so we can see you are true to your spirit of healthy living. I will do the same if you sign on Cuz.


PS: I Will cut you some slack and give you a year. If we are all alive, remind me of that challenge. Let us be the change we want to see happen man. Can you get fit in one year from now?
In the UK is it that bad? Or is it your own bias? Here in america the obesity rate in general has gone up not just for somali women.

But if you want some insight read my baati thread. It explains how the baati has created a culture of carelessness with the appearance and how it destroys the self esteem :liberaltears:

Why do I find funny the idea of Inquisitive_ going to the Baati thread ....
Here is the challenge from you. In Six months, you must post your pic from below the neck so we can see you are true to your spirit of healthy living. I will do the same if you sign on Cuz.


PS: I Will cut you some slack and give you a year. If we are all alive, remind me of that challenge. Let us be the change we want to see happen man. Can you get fit in one year from now?


War ninyahow wa ku sidee ? I don't engage in dick measuring contests online especially for women, that's pure cuckery and beta far below me

If your in London and man enough, I have no problem meeting you, laakin dabaalnimadaan camal iska dhaaf sxb wa iga talo
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