How Tall Are You?


Same Height means that we are on the same eye level aka we can stare into each others soul for hours
You have an excellent way of thinking.
Scared Homer Simpson GIF by reactionseditor


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Clearly none of the men here inherited from their midget Natufian ancestors :ftw9nwa: I'm still dying that our incel brother @Waa dhamatay ended up being a 6'2 nigga. Broski is considered a gigachad in incel circles warya dhamatayow fraudcel baa tahay :damn:
Natufians aren’t short. They’re above average
It's likely the people we descend from were taller. Hunter-gatherers in Egypt might have been taller folks, and AEA too, speculated to be a tall source population. Some hunter-gatherers were average, some were short. Others were way taller than today's average even.

Food producing is normally associated with size reduction from the hunter-gatherer and agriculture transition, but I definitely think pastoralism is another case. We have evidence of some neolithic cultures being taller than others, while immediate size reduction is true in general between the later paleolithic and early neolithic peoples.

I think the height capacity for Cushitic people was always tall. Descending from the first pastoralists, milk consumers are associated with greater height.

