How Somalispoters personalities resembles online


Plotting world domination

9f90fe53-22a7-48c6-b2c9-0635d4e5aa0d (1).png


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
These threads are misleading. I have seen them often. You ninjas thought I was a man at one point.
What The Hell Nbc GIF by Law & Order

And assumed I was a cat lady.
Parks And Recreation Donna GIF

They seriously think everyone online is unemployed and xuux.
Im Not No Way GIF


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Nothing personal. But women that dress like this makes
them appear distance from the modern world.
LOL. f*ck the modern world we dress however we want. Burqa is here to stay and wont go anywhere white boy