because I believe in Quran and Sunnah, not Aristotle.
There's a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to this topic.
Do you really want to go to the masjid on jummah, you listen to the khutbah- and the imam is preaching about Aristotle? You want him to recite a verse from the Quran then use the philosophy of Aristotle to interpret the verse from the Quran?
The scholars waged a battle to protect you from this kind of nonsense. If anything, you should be thanking them. "Thank you, Imam Al-Ghazali, thank you Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah".
No, it's not that the scholars were idiots and barbarians and that's why they didn't want Islam mixed with Greek philosophy. If you want to mix Quran and Sunnah and Aristotle in a blender to create some new frankenreligion- it doesn't make you some intellectual genius, if anything it makes you some kind of misguided person.
The people who were into kalaam stuff, the "Muslim philosophers" people- that's what was going on with them. These were Aristotle superfans mixing Islam with Greek philosophy.
Let me use a modern example- look at the "Muslim feminists," "Muslim liberals," "Islamic socialists" of modern times. The people who were into kalaam, the "Muslim philsophers"- those were like the great, great, great grandparents of those people.
Do you want to discuss the rulings of the sharia and people start bringing up whatever the heck it was that Karl Marx or some liberal professor or some feminist academic said on something? You want to sit down for the jummah khutbah and hear that kind of thing?
Even Muhammad Hijab- I'm not making this up- if you really look into it, his kalaam stuff that he's into really does come from Aristotle. No, you don't need to mix Islam with Aristotle or Karl Marx or whatever philosopher. Stick with Quran and Sunnah on the understanding of the salaaf. Don't get into these weird deviations. The scholars did us all a favor by refuting the "Muslim philosopher" people.