How does Somalispot feel about organ donation, are you selfless or selfish and want to keep organs?

Do you want to be or are you an organdonor?

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Do you guys even know that even when you’re dead you still will feel everything? That’s why we have to be very gentle when we wash a dead body before they get buried.

I’m not even sure if it is haram or halal tbh. Haven’t read into it. Since a couple of days now everyone in holland is an organ donor unless you say otherwise.
What?! A lot of people won’t opt out straight away even if they don’t want to be organ donors.
Holland gov think their slick :ulyin:. did they notify everyone? Like send letters


I’m not entirely sure on the permissibility of donating organs after death in Islam. So, I probably wouldn’t put myself down as a donor just to err on the side of caution. If I did however find out that it was permissible, then I’d definitely put myself down as one.
In the meantime, I’ll just donate my blood, plasma and bone marrow.

