How Do We Embrace Language Diversity?


I love diversity, it makes the world interesting and not boring but it helps mimick nature which is diverse and co-existing. I don't see why we don't see diversity as a way for all to co-exist like nature, becuz I fear anything going against it will be eradicated. But the diversity I am talking about is Languages. Languages is knowledge, I don't mean pheno-type crap and 'u look like me' that type of diversity is monkey level thinking and isn't knowledge.

I really do believe it's a way to find inventions because concepts and words may exist in some languages that don't exist in other languages and the europeans have been brutal about being linguists for centuries cuz I suspect they can take all the concepts not existing in their language and claim it for themselves. They also study dead languages a-lot for that reason.

Somali tongue is very much related to Early Ancient pharoanic tongue, their brotherly tongues. We could understand ancient egyptian concepts a-lot better then a foreigner would, plus their might be lots of words in our own tongue to base it off. Languages that existed in the interior tend to be 'gems' as their not effected by loan-word process that comes thru urban contact. That's why I love the interior desert cultures.

Imagine the danger if only 1 language existed and how you could corrupt the world to worship you and you have no way to challenge it.

