Holy Fucking Cow: Mother of All Wars expected in Tukaraq. Situation is very tense

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
DEG DEG+DHEGAYSO-Dhawaqa Hubka Culus oo Saaka Tukaraq Laga Maqlay iyo Ciidamo Farabadan oo Saaka Gaaraya.

http://puntlandnews.net/2018/06/26/deg- ... a-gaaraya/

Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee aanu ka helayno gobolka Sool gaar ahaan deegaanka Tukaraq ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi ay saaka ka taagan tahay xiisad dagaal oo u dhexaysa maamulada Puntland iyo Soomaaliland oo dhowr jeer ku dagaalamay deegaankaasi.

Goob joogayaal ku sugan Tukaraq ayaa sheegaya in subaxnimadii hore ee saaka dhawaqa hubka culus laga maqlayey furimaha dagaalka ayna rumaysan yihiin inay is waydaarsanayeen ciidamada ku sugan furimaha dagaalka ee Tukaraq.

Marba marka ka dambaysa waxaa Tukaraq ku sii qulqulaya ciidamo hubaysan waxaana lafilayaa inay gaaraan ciidamo katirsan kuwa Puntland oo kayimid qaybo kamid ah gobolada Bari ee Puntland, xilli ay saddexdii maalmood ee ugu dambeeyey gaareen ciidamo gaashaaman.

Dhanka kalena wararka ay helayso shabakadda wararka Puntlandnews ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo aad u tirabadan kuna gaashaaman gaadiidka dagaalka ay saacadaha soo socda ku wajahan yihiin Tukaraq.

http://puntlandnews.net/2018/06/26/deg- ... a-gaaraya/
It's time for President Bihi to use his wild card to bring about an end to this war, and remain victorious in his quest to lay claim to Tukaraq.

He must make the journey up the highest peak of Mount Shimbiris, with nothing but a trumpet in his posession. He must scream out the top of his lungs the mythical name of our common forefather, "Irir Samaale" "Irir Samaale" "Irir Samaale". Then blow on the trumpet.

He'll have Habar Gedir mooryaan as reinforcements on the frontlines of Tukaraq in no time. Now is the time to go on the offensive. God bless Beesha Samaale:rejoice:
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Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
It's time for President Bihi to use his wild card to bring about an end to this war, and remain victorious in his quest to lay claim to Tukaraq.

He must make the journey up the highest peak of Mount Shimbiris, with no one with nothing but a trumpet in his posession. He must scream out the top of his lungs the mythical name of our common forefather, "Irir Samaale" "Irir Samaale" "Irir Samaale". Then blow on the trumpet.

He'll have Habar Gedir mooryaan as reinforcements on the frontlines of Tukaraq in no time. Now is the time to get on the offensive. God bless Beesha Samaale:rejoice:

Trashed them for 27 years in the media. Beesha Hawiye will not rescue Jeegaaanta

When we told them “waar hawiye ha caayina, waa nimankii USC ee Allies ka aheen” they accused us of being “wanlawayn lover
Trashed them for 27 years in the media. Beesha Hawiye will not rescue Jeegaaanta

When we told them “waar hawiye ha caayina, waa nimankii USC ee Allies ka aheen” they accused us of being “wanlawayn lover
It's not a surprise bro even in qabiil aspect somalis are not longterm thinkers

They should eat fish


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
In sha Allah isaac will get massacred on harti land the most benevolent willing isaac will be digging up mass graves for the next 30 years.
Trashed them for 27 years in the media. Beesha Hawiye will not rescue Jeegaaanta

When we told them “waar hawiye ha caayina, waa nimankii USC ee Allies ka aheen” they accused us of being “wanlawayn lover

That's the single biggest mistake Beesha has made. We should have courted Hawiye as allies, their is nothing wrong with having allies, but leadership was arrogant and decided to go it alone.

This siege mentality planted within our community from a very young age, in which everyone is an enemy is what has plagued us the most.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
That's the single biggest mistake Beesha has made. We should have courted Hawiye as allies, their is nothing wrong with having allies, but leadership was arrogant and decided to go it alone.

This siege mentality planted within our community from a very young age, in which everyone is an enemy is what has plagued us the most.
In sha Allah your gaalo tribe will be oblitrated massacred on harti land hooyada waase your entire tribe waa guun wecelo gaalo ah f*ck you and your church in hargaysa


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I wish the SNM was more ruthless during the civil war. We should have Blitzkrieged Galkayco so mooryaan such as yourself wouldn't be breathing right now.
If wishes were horses beggars would ride.

Theres no love lost between harti and isaac most of my family despises isaac alhamdulillah i will teach my kids to despise isaac i pray this war creates Even a deeper hatred between harti and isaac that last from now till eternity i support the killing of all isaac on harti land.
Puqland always loose and never recover from it :win:

Cabdilahi Yusuf lost Adhicadeye
Cade muse lost Laascaanod
Faroole lost Gambadha
fat Weli Gaas lost Tukaraq
I wish the SNM was more ruthless during the civil war. We should have Blitzkrieged Galkayco so mooryaan such as yourself wouldn't be breathing right now.
Wouldn't have happened since USC were manhandled even after they got hold of state weapons in 1992 when SNF retreated away from the Shabelle Valley because Caydiid was trying to attack their rear so SNF had to retreat quickly and left the state weapons.
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If wishes were horses beggars would ride.

Theres no love lost between harti and isaac most of my family despises isaac alhamdulillah i will teach my kids to despise isaac i pray this war creates Even a deeper hatred between harti and isaac that last from now till eternity i support the killing of all isaac on harti land.

abaha wasse, Gaal Gaal ku dhalay. Horta what sub clan of Mj are you, I think you might be Osman Mohamud, those faggets are the ones who beat their chest the most, fucking daanyeer foosha xun, Madow bantu looking motherfucker.


Somali chauvinist
abaha wasse, Gaal Gaal ku dhalay. Horta what sub clan of Mj are you, I think you might be Osman Mohamud, those faggets are the ones who beat their chest the most, fucking daanyeer foosha xun, Madow bantu looking motherfucker.

How do you guys keep track of every sub sub clan? You guys seem to keep a long list of all your enemies.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
abaha wasse, Gaal Gaal ku dhalay. Horta what sub clan of Mj are you, I think you might be Osman Mohamud, those faggets are the ones who beat their chest the most, fucking daanyeer foosha xun, Madow bantu looking motherfucker.
In sha Allah we harti will kill isaac gaalo on harti land hooyada waas this is a jihad muslim harti vs gaalo isaac and their gaalo british colonial borders and their church in hargaysa that’s why isaac are trying to build a church in las canood the muslim harti wont allow it

It’s cismaan maxamud hooyada waase you isaac gaal pagan xabesh
Wouldn't have happened since USC were manhandled even after they got hold of state weapons in 1992 when SNF retreated away from the Shabelle Valleh because Caydiid was trying to attack ther rear so SNF had to retreat quickly and left the state weapons.

I'm not talking about a joint attack with USC, but instead of slapping around our cousins in Awdal, we should of spent our energy on Cognitives tuulo, he doesn't deserve to breathing right now.
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