UPDATE Hirshabelle Upper House Elections - Senator Muse Suudi retains seat

Dr. Dufle is independent, even according to the foreign backed opposition. He is a reasonable man.

Congratulations to Hirshabelle for holding the most credible elections.
Your back and your still making up rubbish. You should of went further and said Dr Dufle is N&N.
You should have said he was NN, Dufle is team Xassan Shiikh.

The CBBS have lost it . Everything they planned for failed in hirshabbleh thanks to PM Rooble and gudlaawe for holding the most democratic senatorial elections in Somali standard .
If Puntland is the mother of federalism
Galmaduug the father of federalism
Then hirshabelleh is the father of democracy hopefully sws will be the mother of democracy when badbaadiye rooble frees sheikh roobow



When i say shit on here it generally comes out to be true. I was watching the livestream my damn self and it went black. Tan wax ba ka dambeyndoono nacalad korkiina ha ahaato.

Full of cuqdad....

Waa lisla jooga
They are pissed opposition candidate Shacbaan didnt make it past the first round? It wont make a difference the results are already out, he is out of the race.


Afcadeey won, he is backed by Himilo Qaran.

Even the biggest CBB bot congratulated Himilo Qaran

5 Seats selected so far, all are pro-oppsoition :banderas:
There is 3 seats to be selected today.

#UH08 - Gaaljecel seat, Main candidate is this girl name Naima Yusuf (she is filling the women’s quota)

#UH14 - Hawadle seat, this seat was supposed to be selected yesterday but due to disruptions it was cancelled in the middle of voting for today. Cali Shacbaan vs Xanafi

#UH07 - Gugundhabe seat, Jijele sub. Hassan Kobac is main candidate.

This should conclude Hirshabelle elections this week. Inshallah!


True Puntlander
There is 3 seats to be selected today.

#UH08 - Gaaljecel seat, Main candidate is this girl name Naima Yusuf (she is filling the women’s quota)

#UH14 - Hawadle seat, this seat was supposed to be selected yesterday but due to disruptions it was cancelled in the middle of voting for today. Cali Shacbaan vs Xanafi

#UH07 - Gugundhabe seat, Jijele sub. Hassan Kobac is main candidate.

This should conclude Hirshabelle elections this week. Inshallah!
So those are final seats?


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