HIRSHABELLE Hiiraan Regional Developments

The company doing the work said the billboard is misleading and was put there by Hirshabelle Govt, the company said they only building an terminal. Not even a gravel run-way lol

The SCAA Director said Star Group was to build a terminal and scanner at the airport and not a whole airport as implied by the board.

Why do you hirshabelle boys create artist renders to mislead your people when all their building is a similar terminal like barawe and that's it. Don't u know the company will be contacted by the press to explain if it's true or not?

Buuloburde Airport is undergoing reconstruction after Al-Shabaab destroyed the main functions of the airport

Buuloburde Airport is undergoing reconstruction after Al-Shabaab destroyed the main functions of the airport. They will not stop us from progressing and building up our lands.

Alhamdulilah, the local military over there as well as HiilWalaal Djibouti AMISOM are making sure they keep their eyes on Bulobuurde airport 24/7 while the reconstruction is taking place.

Inshallah one day Al-Shabaab will be crushed and extinct from our state in Hirshabelle.




I welcome this news! Great to see many businesses and financial institutions checking out Beledweyne. We need to develop our city as we are nicknamed “Xarunta Ganacsiga ee Gobalada Dhexe” :banderas:

will post the ceremony speech soon.

Mayor of Beledweyne City Nadar Tabaax Maalin has introduced a new project that is rebuilding a key road that consists of 10kms in Kooshin neighbourhood that connects Southern Somalia to North and Central regions of Somalia.

The locals welcome this action from the Mayor.

Mayor Nadar Tabaax speaks to the media about this project and thanks the locals and Youth for their contribution of taxes and sadaqah in order to make this project happen.

Classic Iskutashi from Reer Hiiraan!

Any locals/ganacsade that want to donate to this project for Reer Beledweyne the details are below:

Guuleysta Reer Beledweyne ❤️💪🏾

Recently elected Senator Hassan Kobac donates ambulance and also medicine to his constituency in Beledweyne District in his village Farlibaax. This is a start to develop the village by providing basic necessities needed in day to day life.

Beledweyne and it’s surroundings will be a very developed in the coming years inshallah! Guuleysta!
Today, Hirshabelle Administration introduces a new tax office in Lebi Hiiraan, Matabaan District.

Mataban District Deputy Commissioner for Finance, Security and Politics Adan Abdi Cisse Garaso Today, he laid the foundation stone for the Labi Hiraan Customs Department in Hirshabelle State. Mataban District Commissioner Mohamed Dhobey was present at the scene.




Ever since the creation of the state Matabaan District was indirectly under Galmudug administration. Hirshabelle has been working on building an administration since June last year. In July this year a new administration has been named and has been functioning ever since then.

Guuleysta Reer Hiiraan!

This comes after the reconciliation that was made few days ago. Guuleysta!

Hiran regional administration inaugurates the second phase of the Beledweyne Dam.

Mayor of Beledweyne Nadar Tabaax introduced it, this funded by Saudi Arabia. Guuleysta Reer Hiiraan!

Today in Buuloburde district, the local administration and traditional elders thank three young men from the diaspora in Buuloburde whom have set up a city dump to store garbage from town centre. This is a start to ensure the town is clean from plastic bags and bottles that have an effect on the environment. Basic necessities such as a City Dump is crucial in this blockaded town.

Guuleysta Reer Hiiraan!




More and more electricity suppliers in Somalia are waking up to the huge benefits that investing in solar power can bring. This is Dayax Power Supply, Beledweyne, now using the abundant solar energy in Hiiraan region.






One of the departure gates of the new renonvated Ugaas Khaliif International Airport in Beledweyne. Construction has been going on here since August 2020. Will share more photos.

Guul iyo Gobanimo Reer Beledweyne 💪🏾
Runway construction has started for Ugaas Khaliif International Airport in Beledweyne.

Runway is also getting extended, construction workers requested more land from the Governor of Hiiraan Ali Jeyte and Mayor of Beledweyne Nadar Tabah Malin.