Heavy fighting in Beledxaawo

I could see the strategy that is being played.

Kenya is trying to start a proxy war to stall the elections. If the elections are stalled long enough, hawiyes will start a war against farmaajo by calling him a dictator and for overstaying his term.

MX y’all better start praying for y’all boy. He got too much enemies. :russ:
I think it was to test the resolve of the Soldiers there. Now they know what they're up against, I think they'll come back after feb 8th. If janan could take the town in an hour, that spells trouble for farmaajo's milita, and when a new president comes in, most will go home paving the way for a janan takeover.


Sounds about right. They pushed majority of them back into Kenya and those that scattered who were caught caching in the interior are said to now be hiding inside the Hormuud and Dahabshil towers and they're all surrounded on the ground

That's all the news i got from relatives i spoke to in Baled Xaawo.
i wanna see janan executed
I think it was to test the resolve of the Soldiers there. Now they know what they're up against, I think they'll come back after feb 8th. If janan could take the town in an hour, that spells trouble for farmaajo's milita, and when a new president comes in, most will go home paving the way for a janan takeover.

There won't be a second time. You're delusional if you think so.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Jubbaland claims early victory but fighting ongoing.

Hase yeeshee, maamulka Jubaland ayaa dagaalka guulo ka sheegtay, iyadoo madaxweyne ku xigeenka mamaulkaas Maxamuud Sayid Aadan oo BBC-da la hadlay uu sheegay in ciidamadooda ay hadda ku sugan yihiin Beled Xaawo, gaar ahaanna saldhigga magaalada welina uu dagaalku socdo.

"Saraakiisha hadda i soo wacday waxay ii sheegeen sida janaraal Cabaas oo kale inuu isaga isteeshinka joogo, iyo xarunta degmada, laakiin hadde magaaladu waa magaalo weyn oo daafaheedu ay weli xabbadaha ka dhacayaan,"

There won't be a second time. You're delusional if you think so.
As long as janan is camped outside, another one is absolutely on the cards. I think this time he'll wait until the milita from xamar are sent back, it'll be a piece of cake then. If he can capture beledxaawo with thousands of SNA today, what makes you think he won't capture it with ease when those sna go back to xamar and wherever else they came from?


As long as janan is camped outside, another one is absolutely on the cards. I think this time he'll wait until the milita from xamar are sent back, it'll be a piece of cake then. If he can capture beledxaawo with thousands of SNA today, what makes you think he won't capture it with ease when those sna go back to xamar and wherever else they came from?
those sna are dominated by reer gedo who went to xamar for training


Reminder: The amount of IDPs from this conflict if it becomes back and forth are going to be in the 10s maybe even 100s of thousands.
That was a screw up letting him escape from prison.
It wasnt a screw up. Kheyre delibaretly let him go because he had good connection with madoobe. Made possible by a tolomoge ogaden kid working in his office who always leaked information from the pm office, and prepared kheyre speeches The plan was for madoobe to support kheyre in 2021 election which he did. He asked puntland to support kheyre but faroole and co said we cant trust this traitor.
those sna are dominated by reer gedo who went to xamar for training
training? everybody knows somali people don't need training.
You guys have milked the SNA, you better organize as clan before farmaajo goes. You guys are really bad at strategizing, hopefully you will put a decent marehan force together before feb 8th. In somalia, nobody respects you if you can't smoke niggas.
maybe janan and madoobe want to inspire hawiye. :cosbyhmm:listen to these niggas. they're little kids. somalia nasiib xumaa.:francis: all the kids are getting killed by AS via isqarxis or they are like these guys, fighting for old hungry men who don't care about them.


Ibrahim hassan

Esteemed Excellency
The gorgor battalion have repelled the Kenyan invasion. Many dead Kenyans and alot more captured, 3k Kenyans vs few hundred Somali lions and they ran away.


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