Heavily armed SNA troops take over Garbaharay airport


Reer gedo are validating whatever argument rooble and madoobe are using which is lack of security. These guys can’t help themselves but shoot themselves in the foot. Everyday they have dumb people speaking, making threats of violence. Ree gedo can do better.
displaying security forces isn't validating the claim of insecurity in the town, its doolatus to show yes you will be guarded and safe, just come downtown Garbaharey waving your ONLF flag.


:russ: sida dumarka u qayliya yaa reer Gedo, your 16 mps will be divided and sold separately to the highest bidder by Badbaadiye PM Rooble.

Keep sending your ilkooyars child students to insult like ciyaal suuq on Live TV, let the whole world see how uncivilized qabiliste reer Gedo's are.
Rer Gedo have been quite and patient for too long, I am glad they have learned the game, they make mistakes here and there with official statemen making death treats but they are learning the media game.

Look at the 7 DC of Gedo and the Gedo governor they have some of the highest followers on social media in Somalia, that is what you call full support and engagement of the locals. Do you think they care if you don't like them ? lol walahi we living in a crazy world where a nigga from Baraxley complaining about Gedo
displaying security forces isn't validating the claim of insecurity in the town, its doolatus to show yes you will be guarded and safe, just come downtown Garbaharey waving your ONLF flag.
bro for ogaden, i am neutral so relax. but since you mentioned, I would not be surprised to see the blessed onlf flag in garbaharay. kkkk

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