Has anone received backhanded compliment when you say your somali?

I can relate people think I'm.eritrean and get suprised once they find out I'm somali. Even some maadow guy years back found it hard to believe I'm somali and even said "I'm.suprised you don't look somalian. I would have assumed your eritrean. I also got other backhanded compliments from ofcourse ajanabis. They get shocked because I'm actually very lightskin and so they assume somalis don't come in that shade. I find it annoying since we aren't a monolith and we come in different shades. I will admit when I was younger my skin colour was extremely pale so I understand why people assumed i was biracial, but now my skintone isn't as super pale as it was but somehow I can't be somali. Can any somali relate with me? and do you find it super jarring?


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Respectfully they can go f*ck themselves. Somalis come in all shapes and colours. If beauty is about skin colour then no one would find us attractive.
I can relate people think I'm.eritrean and get suprised once they find out I'm somali. Even some maadow guy years back found it hard to believe I'm somali and even said "I'm.suprised you don't look somalian. I would have assumed your eritrean. I also got other backhanded compliments from ofcourse ajanabis. They get shocked because I'm actually very lightskin and so they assume somalis don't come in that shade. I find it annoying since we aren't a monolith and we come in different shades. I will admit when I was younger my skin colour was extremely pale so I understand why people assumed i was biracial, but now my skintone isn't as super pale as it was but somehow I can't be somali. Can any somali relate with me? and do you find it super jarring?
Depends on where you live. They used to tell me that you are not like other Africans or that you are like “Sudanese Arabs.” Anyway, at the time I didn't know the race bullshit
Respectfully they can go f*ck themselves. Somalis come in all shapes and colours. If beauty is about skin colour then no one would find us attractive.
Apart from college days people weren't mocking me being somali just shady comments like "oh never would have assumed" etc.. the uk is full of colourist and ofcoirse anti somali so I am.not suprised when those comments were thrown at me. But saying your pretty for a somali and they think I will be OK with that comment. They have another thing coming


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Apart from college days people weren't mocking me being somali just shady comments like "oh never would have assumed" etc.. the uk is full of colourist and ofcoirse anti somali so I am.not suprised when those comments were thrown at me. But saying your pretty for a somali and they think I will be OK with that comment. They have another thing coming
I had a similar experience in the middle east where my abo and I were together, they couldnt believe it in the immigration offices. They were like “No way, this girl is an arab, shes too good looking to be your daughter” because he was more on the darkskinned shade besides I also look more like my maternal grandfather some odd reason, I guess its a recessive gene, he was a heartbreaker good looking lad but yeah we somalis came in all colors, just look at Somali families.
I had a similar experience in the middle east where my abo and I were together, they couldnt believe it in the immigration offices. They were like “No way, this girl is an arab, shes too good looking to be your daughter” because he was more on the darkskinned shade besides I also look more like my maternal grandfather some odd reason, I guess its a recessive gene, he was a heartbreaker good looking lad but yeah we somalis came in all colors, just look at Somali families.
Oh I feel sad for your dad. Why didn't he drag is hairy ass?? no one could disrespect ny dad like that. Arabs are typically raging colourist, so no suprise


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Oh I feel sad for your dad. Why didn't he drag is hairy ass?? no one could disrespect ny dad like that. Arabs are typically raging colourist, so no suprise
I never look at color. I think the most goodlooking somalis tend to have more of a darker skin in my humble opinion like the iman looking types. I am a featurist if anything. Yeah war changes people he had his prime.
somalis are way more diverse than any africans lol
ofocurse I know that but our enemies are making it their goal to brainwash many people into believing we look like barkhad abdi.E.g Hollywood. That's why me and other somalis who are lightskin often get told "there's no way your somalian" "your too lightskin"
ofocurse I know that but our enemies are making it their goal to brainwash many people into believing we look like barkhad abdi.E.g Hollywood. That's why me and other somalis who are lightskin often get told "there's no way your somalian" "your too lightskin"
UK must be awful, move away asap, its a very shitty country
UK must be awful, move away asap, its a very shitty country
The uk is bad vibes people are very rude and aggressive. I even know of a mixed somali girl who got told by a maadow guy "your somalian?? you must have gotten all your good looks from your other side because I have never seen a attractive somalian" is so weird how much them abd cadaans in the uk have so much cunsur for us. It makes me hella uncomfortable.
The uk is bad vibes people are very rude and aggressive. I even know of a mixed somali girl who got told by a maadow guy "your somalian?? you must have gotten all your good looks from your other side because I have never seen a attractive somalian" is so weird how much them abd cadaans in the uk have so much cunsur for us. It makes me hella uncomfortable.

dont take him seriously

''ive never seen an attractive somalian''

Cant recall such a thing happening , a lot of people mistake me for other ethnicities though :(
Even though i think i look somali.


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