Hartis Have Secured 90% Of Soviet Era Operational Tanks



Akhriso: Taangiyada shaqeeya ee Soomaaliya yaalla waxaa haysa ‘Beesha Harti’​



Dagaalkii udanbeeyay ee 93-dii Galkacyo,ayaa Taangiyadii ku harsanaa Bartamaha iyo Koonfurta Dalka Gacanta lagu dhigay.

Waqooyi Taangiyadii yaalayna Gooja-cade,ayaa 2023 Gacanta lagu dhigay.

Jamhuuriyada gudaheeda Maanta,waxaa yaala 20-Taangi wax shaqaynaya,iyaguna Gacanta Beesha Harti ayay ku jiraan.

35% Somaliya Dhul iyo Dad,waa Beesha Harti,waana la ilaaliyay awoodaas isku xiran.

Juquraafi ahaan,waxaa lasoo xiray qorshihii kala qaybinta Dhulka Beesha Harti.

Dad ahaan Harti in ay noqdaan kuwo ukala qaybsama Maamulo lagaga tiro badan yahayna,waa la diiday.

Hormuudka Beesha Hawiye ee Siyaasadu,waxay weli aqbali la’a yihiin awoodaas,waxayna 2023 qayb ka noqdeen hoos udhigis qorshaysan oo la abaabulay.

Hormuudka Siyaasada Beesha Isaaq oo Dhul iyo Dadba og in Beeshoodu ka tahay Somaliya 15%,waxay istuseen in ay Beesha Harti Dhulkeeda iyo Dadkeeda qayb muhiim ah ku buuxsadaan Maamul leh Siyaasad iyo Juquraafi oo ay ku cad goostaan.

Saakay dagaalkii Milleteriga iyo Juquraafiga,waa ku guulaysanay.

Waxa noo harsan,waa Siyaasada in aan hardankeeda ku guulaysano oo Caasimada iyo nidaamka Doorasho ee Somaliya aan ka hawlgalno.
Jibril Qoobey.


They also fled a BM21, their down to 1 operational BM. They parade four but we only see 2 in the battlefield, they could be employing the 'decoy' tactic when they present 4 BM.
They also fled a BM21, their down to 1 operational BM. They parade four but we only see 2 in the battlefield, they could be employing the 'decoy' tactic when they present 4 BM.
2 BM21 is confirmed. One was captured when goojaacade was penetrated and the other one in yagoori(the car it was on crashed/overturned and they fled it). If its true and the remaining two they have doesn’t work waa farxad Alhamdullilah.:hillarybiz:


Bantu Liberation Movement
They need to be upgraded with new turrets, engines etc. Funds should be raised for technicians and materiel to upgrade them.

Are these old soviet era T55 tanks in working conditions?

We see SL parading them in military parades but I don't remember seeing a single video of them actually firing or being used in the battlefield.


Are these old soviet era T55 tanks in working conditions?

We see SL parading them in military parades but I don't remember seeing a single video of them actually firing or being used in the battlefield.

Yes the PL tanks are operational, in-fact they fixed up recent ones in SSC who had mechanical issue. Beware of the 'decoy' i've seen SL present around 10 tanks, but some could be decoy that were painted up only but not operational and why you probably never see any in battle.


They however lost 2 BMS out of the 4 they parade. One in yagoori flipped over as they were fleeing, plus one was caught in their goojacade base.
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Yes the PL tanks are operational, in-fact they fixed up recent ones in SSC who had mechanical issue. Beware of the 'decoy' i've seen SL present around 10 tanks, but some could be decoy that were painted up only but not operational and why you probably never see any in battle.


They however lost 2 BMS out of the 4 they parade. One in yagoori flipped over as they were fleeing, plus one was caught in their goojacade base.
I know someone who was a tank commander of these T-55 in Somalia, these are extremely durable machines. If those in the footage are indeed T-55 you can expect that they are operational.

But another thing to consider is that they may just be used as artillery which means that they don't have to deal with running cost of maintain the engine and the rest of the tank you know. In these days what use other than artillery will T-55 have anyways, most Somalis are armed with anti-tank, I personally would want to be inside that coffin in frontline combat, I would much rather be on a Technical that can move fast.


I know someone who was a tank commander of these T-55 in Somalia, these are extremely durable machines. If those in the footage are indeed T-55 you can expect that they are operational.

But another thing to consider is that they may just be used as artillery which means that they don't have to deal with running cost of maintain the engine and the rest of the tank you know. In these days what use other than artillery will T-55 have anyways, most Somalis are armed with anti-tank, I personally would want to be inside that coffin in frontline combat, I would much rather be on a Technical that can move fast.

At the 2:31 mark, are these converted technicals with Tank capacity? it looks identical to a Tank turret payload.

These Tanks will soon be out of commission. I can’t believe Somalis love boasting up Siad Barre Era junk while other countries are building their own missiles. Even the fucking neighboring short Yemenis build their own drones in Houthi territory.
These Tanks will soon be out of commission. I can’t believe Somalis love boasting up Siad Barre Era junk while other countries are building their own missiles. Even the fucking neighboring short Yemenis build their own drones in Houthi territory.
Those people waste precious water on growing khat instead of food, it's the Iranians who built it for them.
Those people waste precious water on growing khat instead of food, it's the Iranians who built it for them.

They are under blockade but Iran provides them with engineers and other resources to build the drones inside secret underground factories within Yemen. That is a much better scenario because they have the ability to produce countless drones.
They are under blockade but Iran provides them with engineers and other resources to build the drones inside secret underground factories within Yemen. That is a much better scenario because they have the ability to produce countless drones.
I don't think they produce/build them in yemen, they probably build them in iran then they take it apart for transportation and then assemble them in yemen. Iranian suicide drones have shown to be very effective in ukraine.
Don't know where you got your info as of Mudug we got 6 tanks at Galkayo airport including 3 from Xeero siinay. 12 at Godod 1 at gacnofaale 2 at ceel bardale & cabdi ciise got 3 at Jariiban/dhinowda. 6 reer mahad ones at jeexdin. 2 at garsoor by reer khalaf 1 tank + 7 bebe by reer xirsi at Galkayo main hospital/southern checkpoint/qashin qubka baraxlay. Recalibrate your stats ditoore!

9/12 tanks captured in sool with 13 being recapture of cagoweyne (sabun is at jeexdin as always guarding sacad awoowes graves🤣) the main battle tank of reer mahad makes harti the main holders of Armoured infantry in somaliweyn!
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Don't know where you got your info as of Mudug we got 6 tanks at Galkayo airport including 3 from Xeero siinay. 12 at Godod 1 at gacnofaale 2 at ceel bardale & cabdi ciise got 3 at Jariiban/dhinowda. 6 reer mahad ones at jeexdin. 2 at garsoor by reer khalaf 1 tank + 7 bebe at Central galkayo at the hospital by reer xirsi. Recalibrate your stats ditoore!

Can u Add 9 SL tank to that. SSC had around 5 tanks also which some were not operational but omar mahmoud got it fixed for them. We got 2 BMS from them also. They have 2 more left in inventory judging by their parades, lets ensure we focus on the big toys in our operation, bms, zus next, tekniko last. We must also make sure we secure their leadership structure in terms of humans, I want Nuh tani and his structure below captured, foot soldiers r last priority their like ak.47 sxb, low valuee.
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@Saciid Bidar what's our BM Count. We captured 2 in Goojacad and Yagoori from SNM. I know from PL parades in 2009, we got 2 BM 21 there. I know SSC folks have 2 or 3 BMS. Is the BM 21 count around 6-7 accurate?
@Saciid Bidar what's our BM Count. We captured 2 in Goojacad and Yagoori from SNM. I know from PL parades in 2009, we got 2 BM 21 there. I know SSC folks have 2 or 3 BMS. Is the BM 21 count around 6-7 accurate?
Reer abdille have 3 while mahad and hersi have 6 jaqaaq.

The most armed deegan in Mudug is Garacad/dhinowda i believe Cabdi Ciise have most BMs and Zus of cumar maxamud they keep their numbers of public eye.
Reer abdille have 3 while mahad and hersi have 6 jaqaaq.

The most armed deegan in Mudug is Garacad/dhinowda i believe Cabdi Ciise have most BMs and Zus of cumar maxamud they keep their numbers of public eye.
How many tanks did PL have before this war? I thought it was only a few. Just read your previous post and you're saying we had more than 20 or am I reading it wrong?

