Hargeisa a Garxajis city?

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Bucur Bucayr garac it is shared with Samaroon such as Ceel-Bardaale that is deep inside
Gabiley district and numerous fightings happened there before. The funny thing is the small
gobol you have is shared, while we have Oodweyne region much larger 100% H-Y.


Habar Magaadle
Central Hargeisa is actually Isaxaaq/Cidagale. Berbera is shared(with Musa
Cabdalle and HJ), Gabiley is shared as well ( with Samaroon). So name one
HA city that is not shared? Lol@Alleybadey are we counting villages now.

Central Hargeisa is 80% Sacad Musa, infact the apex of Hargeisa where the Mig-17 is , is a sacad Musa area (cali mataan), maydhi boy you ain't from hargeisa iska amus..

Counting HJ and HY presence in Berbera is like counting Habar Awal in Borame, it is a insignifcant presence.

Gabiley is 95% HA, infact, you count the guryo of Samaroon residents with your hands, they don't even have a mp in Gabiley.

I mentioned alleybadey to notify you of the abundance of farming communities we have within SM, you don't even have a single magaalad.


Habar Magaadle
It is well known that western Somaliland is more dense in population than the east where there are sparse populations, every 10-15km you drive north or west from hargeisa you encounter a town or a farming community, we got bread 'nykkah, and resorting to bucur bucayr insults just show you ain't got nothing else to say... :drakelaugh::drakekidding:


@Zayd Don't come here with bedtime stories, Suuqa Waaheen which is the suuq you're talking about is owned by Garhajis. While SM are
majority in Suuqa Gobanimo, bar ama baro little kid. Lastly Samaroon have villages in Gabiley district and they fought your people in
Ceel-Bardaale not far from Gabiley town just few years ago.

H-Y presence in Berbera being insignificant? You wish nicca. The vice mayor and many positions belong to Muuse Cabdalle.
HJ also have some positions there. Berbera is a shared mixed city.

The Vice mayor of Berbera chosen from WADANI in the local elections, he is Musa Cabdalle.



The best looking hotel in Berbera is also owned by a wealthy H-Y businessman called Aloore.


@7ONE7 , this nigga said a tuulo port would rival Berbera, WHAAAT... :chrisfreshhah:

This ...

Against this (deep sea port used for over 2 milennia, and was modernized by the soviets)


Habar Awal are big players in Somaliland, don't lie to yourself, I don't insult libaaxda garhajis I know their strength and significance, however that doesn't mean I'll make things clear.

Berbera, dominated by Ciyaal Nuux Ismaacil from 1600-1800, and by Cisse Muse from 1800-present.


The tuulo port in Sanaag is going to be developed.. There are international companies competing to be awarded the contracts to develope the tuulo port.. You can see why HJ elders want their own port now right?

No more HA monopoly on somalilands exports.. The 25 years of monopoly have come to an end :banderas:

I will leave the explaining for this HY elder to do.. :drakegrin:


Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
I don't know if any of you children been back home but HJ own about 1/3 of berbera today. One of the two maxjar in somaliland that ALL livestock passes through is owned by HJ, the other by a saudi. The hj have expanded major in saaxil, and we just entered Hargeysa tooobamadatazz

I support cohesion of Beesha. Burco has a large growing Ciise musa community as well. This habro habro fadhi kudirir markaa la qeyeleyo ayey macaan tahay:hehehehehe:
North, West, and Central Hargeisa is majority Sacad Musa, Berbera is Cisse Musa, Gabiley is SM, and Arabsiyo, and Tog Wajaale and Alleybadey (fertile lands), name one Habar Yonis magaalad that isn't shared :drakegrin:, Ceerigabo (shared), Burco (shared), Hargeisa (shared) , damn all you niccas have is the tourist tuulo called Sheikh on the mountains :deadosama:

Sheikh is also Ciisse Musa with minorities.......:yousmart:


@Dhoobe Sheekh is actually shared (east Sheekh is Cisse Muuse) anything west of Sheekh up to Goda weyn, Gacanlibaax and Mandheera is Muuse Cabdalleterritory.I don't think Cisse Muuse have any town they settle purely maybe Dhacarbudhuq comes close.


Muuse Cabdalle have it good. They have their own district in Sahil (Go'da weyn) while the rest is shared, it is like my pie is mine but we will share yours.

No such thing as east or west sheikh........the whole town is settle by CM and the minorities live with them...........This isn't Burco............ :obamaswag:


The deputy mayor there is Muuse Cabdalle, Sheekh is shared like Berbera. It must suck knowing every town they share with you while
they have their own exclusive town and district in Sahil (Go'daweyn)

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