Guy that mocked somali girls infront of my face has been arrested

He's been fined hefty amount and is banned from driving for i think 20 months..
that's it? no record? if so damn...wallahi uk is light punishment

in canada you get an instant record

A charge of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI) is a criminal charge in Canada, as laid out in section 253(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. So, yes, if you're convicted of DUI, you will have a lifelong criminal record – even if it is your first offense.


Somali supremacist
No, he called somali girls ugly right infront of my face and also.other things I won't be sharing. Before that he came across kind and humble... After that I couldn't look at him.the same way and kept avoiding him everytime the dude approached me. This was college (sixth form age 16-18)
Was he Madow
even bigger L.

I find mixed races tend to identify more with the culture they live in. So in this case he’s probably very british despite having muslim parents .

One of the dangers of intermixing if you don’t come from a strong practicing parents you’ll be a product of the environment
yh his mum is the guyanese so I assume gaal. Anyways good riddance.
So recently I learnt some guy in college that said negative things about Somali girls, And also other reasons I won't speak about here has been arrested for drink driving. I couldn't believe it was him. It had to be him since I remember his first name and surname and he was the same age as me. Peak for him sad to say i couldn't care less.
Drink driving hmmm…. Is he white?