Guutada 27aad Abu Dujaanah in Wisil to join Sacad and Surre offensive


Former surre mp, now advisor to the president


Taliya kuxigeenka Lugta Cirro, Sacad, will lead this


I talked about them leaving Dhusamareb a couple weeks ago. This should be enough SNA + deegaanka force for bacadweyne-Caad-Camaara to then link with xarardheere and Shabaab will then be forced to leave Jowle as they’d have no place to defend it from. Which is right next to Galhareeri
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Saleebaan ciidan left Baxdo today for this front too. Good to see extra movement.

Caad and Camaara is in reach

two years ago and Sadaq Jon in Camaara



Waa ku mahadsanyahay Mahad Salad in aw duqeymaha ka wado deegaanada beesha ay ka howlgali doonto mar dow. More strikes after the last few days in the towns under Xarardheere


Wa igu sawir cusub oo lugu raali galinayo HSM lol
No we actually have legit towns to liberate. We don’t have a problem with liberating HG land all the way to Bulacle in Dhusamareb and Jowle in xarardheere.

Cayr Bari land needs to be opened up from Dhusamareb to xarardheere. Shabaab allow us to liberate our land without retaliation
No we actually have legit towns to liberate. We don’t have a problem with liberating HG land all the way to Bulacle in Dhusamareb and Jowle in xarardheere.

Cayr Bari land needs to be opened up from Dhusamareb to xarardheere. Shabaab allow us to liberate our land without retaliation

We all knew you was part of shabaab. Somaliweyne is slowly waking up.


We all knew you was part of shabaab. Somaliweyne is slowly waking up.
The type of retaliation I mean is in Xamar where they attack our elders and businessman like they did last yr to Xawaadle and Saleebaan. They will still fight as a military force on the ground there but they won’t have be prepared to go all our war with us by attacking us in Xamar

First operation carried out by Abu Dujaanah. Hopefully they become a permanent South Mudug brigade.

Galmudug needs to have a 10-20k darawish long term to keep it secure and not have to worry about SNA being pulled out (for political reasons)
Godumiyaha degmada Bacadweyne is back shouldn't be an issue like 2021 surre macawisley will hold Qubeys areas
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These guys I’m assuming after from different parts of Mudug and Galguduud. Would they stay there permanently?
Fiqi Muhammed from West Galgadud came but the qubeys already had a base in Shabeelow they just need some support but they can hold it themselves


Fiqi Muhammed from West Galgadud came but the qubeys already had a base in Shabeelow they just need some support but they can hold it themselves
The issue tbh is they get attacked from Camaara and Camaara gets attacked from Dabaqalo.

I can see them holding it permanently if Shabaab is removed from Mudug

