Guuleysta! Rising Somali Atheles in the Octagon

It is? I thought the prophet used to wrestle with the sahabah. Is the clothing and stuff wrong?
Key word wrestle. Physically striking someone when not in jihad or to defend your property/wealth/family and self is not allowed because the purpose is to harm another individual and you definitely can't do that for fun or entertainment which mma/boxing on a stage basically is. Training is fine to be a stronger believer and that's what they used to do they would train in wrestling to become stronger and it didn't involve striking which could leave damage or could even be fatal like in mma. Plus the clothing is revealing the awarah is apparent and it's tight which is also exposing the awarah.
There is nothing wrong with training any form of martial art but actually competing or sparring without safely gear were you can potentially cause serious damage isn't allowed Islamically speaking with the exception of wrestling.