[Graphic] An IDF Bulldozer run over a Palestinian Child


「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
They turn him into mash potato. Why are you posting this anyway? To many kids on this site these day and it got nothing to do with Somali people

Damn, that kid got crushed inside out


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
The blurred photo alone deserves a spoiler subhanallah. Listen to @Lostbox yutes will scumble across this post bro


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Even if blurred some people haven't shit like this, this will probably affect them all week.
A pic like that sticks with you for years. Never seen a image more graphic in my life wallahi. IDF are barbarians


A pic like that sticks with you for years. Never seen a image more graphic in my life wallahi. IDF are barbarians
There was a little girl, with her legs missing, a missile hit her home, and she was stuck to the wall, I've seen horrible shit but that has stayed with me for the past few weeks, twitter isn't for the weak.
They are total animals. Its shit like this that makes me disillusioned with the west since they allow this kind of stuff to happen


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
They turn him into mash potato. Why are you posting this anyway? To many kids on this site these day and it got nothing to do with Somali people

Damn, that kid got crushed inside out
Thankfully the unblurred wasent avalible, the blurred version is already the worst thing I have ever seen. This also spreads awareness what the hell is wrong how many war crimes have they commited at this point this is good to show awareness
Fyi the source for this (and other gruesome images and vids like the one with naked palestinian in a chair) is the IDF themselves. They post their horrifying crimes in Telegram groups, where 100s of sadists cheer them on and give them laugh reacts.

Thats whats the most fucked part imo, they are telling on themselves and to them its kosher because theyre brainwashed to think palestinians are terrorists / nazis


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Yeah this was the canary in the coal mine, they flattened an cadaan American girl and faced no reprecussions, not even a peep out of bush.

Compared to Khassogi, a Saudi national who was a us resident where you have all the western leaders decrying mbs in unison.
He was a us national and journalist.