Good News: Heavy Rainfall expected in parts of Somaliland, Puntland and the Somali region of Ethiopia


Mashallah. Does anyone know if it will reach Bay and Bakool, and the Southern regions? That's where its close to famine.



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I was there just about a week ago and you could tell rain was coming. But it's unfortunate, wallahi, most of that water will just run off and/or evaporate and a bit will seep down into aquifers. We need funding for reservoirs, artificial lakes & ponds as well as projects for creating grasslands and forests so that the water is preserved and kept for future agricultural use. So much water is lost, wallahi. Waa tragic. The north doesn't really suffer a true lack of water. It suffers a lack of water conservation practices.
