Geeljire cheates on a xalimo and she beats him until he bleeds

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Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
I don’t know what happened but i found this video on somali features snapchat, what do you guys think about this video and do you think it was alright for him to get this extremly violent beating?
I think that the girl that recorded this video is his sidechick, she even said she was pregrant


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Well this is quite the development.

If he cheated on her and they were married, I think the beating is justified. I don't condone adultery, so f*ck the guy.

If she's just a crazy ass xalimo, then she should be sent to a psych ward asap.


Shalom goyim
Welcome to tonight's show and today we're featuring a geeljire and a xalimo but first the DNA test.
I don’t know what happened but i found this video on somali features snapchat, what do you guys think about this video and do you think it was alright for him to get this extremly violent beating?
I think that the girl that recorded this video is his sidechick, she even said she was pregrant

And that is why we barely have any aids:mjpls:
If he did that some people i know on this site @Steamdevolopment @Knowles would have a cry out for this, there is no equality when it’s the girl being abusive and it is when it’s the guy.

Quite on the contrary, violence without just cause should condemned irrespective of the user's chromosome composition.

She would face the penal code, however there is extenuating circumstances which speaks in favor of a lesser sentence and perhaps a suspended sentence.

It would be inconceivable that @Knowles would disagree here.


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
Quite on the contrary, violence without just cause should condemned irrespective of the user's chromosome composition.

She would face the penal code, however there is extenuating circumstances which speaks in favor of a lesser sentence and perhaps a suspended sentence.

It would be inconceivable that @Knowles would disagree here.
Am I to infer that you accept that there is a current inequality in the sentencing of women when it comes to assault and domestic abuse as opposed to men?


Quite on the contrary, violence without just cause should condemned irrespective of the user's chromosome composition.

She would face the penal code, however there is extenuating circumstances which speaks in favor of a lesser sentence and perhaps a suspended sentence.

It would be inconceivable that @Knowles would disagree here.

Absolutely I am against all forms of violence irrespective of gender. Unfortunately violence is a hallmark in our community. The violence is overwhelmingly inflicted on women and children be it wives, sisters or mothers. Sad to say this won’t change in a while.
Am I to infer that you accept that there is a current inequality in the sentencing of women when it comes to assault and domestic abuse as opposed to men?

There is an inequality in the complains made due to societal stereotypes however all complains are on equal grounds when it comes to the treatment and verification under the law and largely in practice also.

Very few professional prosecutors would disbelief simply due to the fact that it is man who makes the complaint but societal bias may increase the odds of an acquittal for the woman.
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I was going to make a joke but i watched the video... :jaynerd:
If he did cheat i'm glad she beat that nigga, if not, she needs to be jailed for domestic violence.
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