Friday Protest against Ex-President Farmajoo - Official Thread


It’s going to be a peaceful protest inshallah, their voices will be heard and our government will make the necessary moves to speed up the free and fair election :)
It’s going to be a peaceful protest inshallah, their voices will be heard and our government will make the necessary moves to speed up the free and fair election :)

Yes. It will be a peaceful protest and we have peacefully taken control of Mogadishu. Mashallah


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
I love seeing photos like this. Every Geeljire back home wants a dictator in office. Every fob you meet will tell you, "Soomali dictator kaliyaa isku heyn karo-" comparing him to Barre is a huge L
When they hear Barre they think dowlad :mjlol:
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I love seeing photos like this. Every Geeljire back wants a dictator. Every fob you meet will tell you, "Soomali dictator kaliyaa isku heyn karo-" comparing him to Barre is a huge L
When they hear Barre they think dowlad :mjlol:

Barre died in a Nigerian toilet. Only langaabs supported him. Ex-president Farmajoo is even dumber than Siad Barre.


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
Barre died in a Nigerian toilet. Only langaabs supported him. Ex-president Farmajoo is even dumber than Siad Barre.
When you ask the average Somali person back home the year the last government collapsed they'll tell you 1991. If you ask those same people who was the president when Somalia was an african superpower they'll tell you Siyad Barre. If you continue asking them those questions they'll immediately tell you they would prefer Barres regime over anything today.
So if you tell those SAME people that today in 2021 they have Siad Barre back In Villa somalia. What do you think they'll do?

Dont compare Farmaajo to Barre because when you do alot of people back home will see that as progress. But you wouldnt know that waayo waxaad tahay jiir yaroo haan ku weynaadey :mjlol:
When you ask the average Somali person back home the year the last government collapsed they'll tell you 1991. If you ask those same people who was the president when Somalia was an african superpower they'll tell you Siyad Barre. If you continue asking them those questions they'll immediately tell you they would prefer Barres regime over anything today.
So if you tell those SAME people that today in 2021 they have Siad Barre back In Villa somalia. What do you think they'll do?

Dont compare Farmaajo to Barre because when you do alot of people will see that as progress. But you wouldnt know that waayo waxaad tahay jiir yaroo haan ku weynaadey :mjlol:

I don't care what langaabs think. I am landheere aka HG and I run this country. I kicked out Siad Barre and I am telling you Ex-president Farmajoo is done. You need to learn your place. You polish my shoe that is it.


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
I don't care what langaabs think. I am landheere aka HG and I run this country. I kicked out Siad Barre and I am telling you Ex-president Farmajoo is done. You need to learn your place. You polish my shoe that is it.
Sheikh Shariif going over some notes before Friday

DEGDEG:- Ilo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo Muqdisho ku sugan ayaa sheegaya in 71 Sarkaal oo ah qeyb ka mid saraakishii USC ee hogaamineysay halgankii xukunka xooga looga tuuray Keli Taliyihii arxanka darnaa ee Afweyne ayaa Maanta & Caawa lagu arkayey xeryaha & aagaga ay ku sugan yihiin Ciidamada Qalabka Sida ee ilaalinaya banaabaxa
Saraakisha ayaa ayaa ka kala yimid Dalalka Waqooyiga Amerika, Yurub, Afrika & Aashiya halkaas oo ay ku noolaayeen in muddo ah.
Qaar ka mid ah Saraakiisha ayaa cadeeyay inay u yimadeen badbaada Qaranka & inay Shacabka Somaliyed ka dul qaadaan mid kasta oo isku daya inuu xoog ku heysto sidii ay keli taliye Afweyne karkaarka u weydaariyeen oo kale.
Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya inay in muddo ah ku sugaanaayeen Magaalada Muqdisho & Nawaaxigeeda oo ay ku dhex jireen Ciidanka Qalabka Sida.


Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
I love saying ex-president Farmajoo. No more Somalimo, Hawiye are awake
Laangaab 21 sano caano iikeeni jirey baad tahay. You'll be saying ex president Farmaajo for the next 6 years and you'll also be arguing with different MX members throughout social media until they eventually cut of your internet and ship you back to Zanzibariland :drakelaugh:
Laangaab 21 sano caano iikeeni jirey baad tahay. You'll be saying ex president Farmaajo for the next 6 years and you'll also be arguing with different MX members throughout social media until they eventually cut of your internet and ship you back to Zanzibariland :drakelaugh:

What matters is now. Siad Barre is defeated. Farmajoo is now ex-president. And Galinsoor, saaxo and the countless towns and villages from Dhusmareeb, Cadaado is my land. I don't even see Merehan claiming Kismayoo anymore. Inshallah when all this dust settles you will be back to polishing my shoes.
The point of these protest and all these mucaarad power-plays is that certain folks are benefitting alot especially the Hotels and whoever owns those hotels is seeing alot of $$$ since the Madasha was established lol.

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You aint HG right? You must be another sheegato. Several of those hotels are not owned by HG, but if you were HG you would know that.

These N&N rats have destroyed online fkd, so many sheegatos.

That list was a poor version of this sensational post made by my cousin a year ago.
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Cirka Gacan Saarte 💪🏾🇸🇴
Tbh I'm just glad we finally have something to discuss in the politics section again

Lately all the posts on here have been, "lacala threads"
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We Learned that the Madash led by the Failed Polticians have no support from The Mogadishu and we also learned that Farmaajo is Willing to use excessive force to Govern Somalia and maintain his grip on Power.

These Pictures below is how Madasha Protests were compared to the Real Protest by the Brotherhood of Egypt even when the Egypt army opened fire they were still in the Hundred thousandss protesting for their rights....

Weak Protest


Strong Protest


Live Video Mayor Finish supporting Farmaajos crackdown on the illegal Militia causing Havoc in Mogadishu as he puts it in his words..

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Farmaajo can't have grip on power or stay if the shacab of mogadishu don't want him. It's mogadishu natives who are defending him today. As for the fighting, it's between military checkpoints and the militia. The soldiers manning the checkpoints have a strict policy of not allowing people to just pass the checkpoint. Trying to force your way through it with a tekniko is asking to be shot at.
Farmaajo can't have grip on power or stay if the shacab of mogadishu don't want him. It's mogadishu natives who are defending him today. As for the fighting, it's between military checkpoints and the militia. The soldiers manning the checkpoints have a strict policy of not allowing people to just pass the checkpoint. Trying to force your way through it with a tekniko is asking to be shot at.

100% truth. Farmaajo is not some overload forcing his will. The truth is Culusow, Shariif, Cabdishakur, Kheyre have zero support among the Mogadishu populace. Diaspora keyboard warriors are very out of touch with facts on the ground.