French Somalia: Which nation was (and still is) paid to supervise Somalia?

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Madara x

Sleep soundly
Greetings Fellow Somali's,

The answer to the question that I've mentioned in the thread-title, has been presented in section 9.0 of the my Somali-History video-presentation series.

Please watch it below, and give me some feed back on my youtube channel and on this thread . . . :nvjpqts:

Long live the Dervish dream,



Your superior
You need to sit down wiith this nonsense. No such thing as French Somalia , there was only Italian Somalia.


I have an IQ of 300
You need to sit down wiith this nonsense. No such thing as French Somalia , there was only Italian Somalia.
Djibouti's name as a colony was French Somaliland, not French Somalia, so you're technically right.
I haven't finished watching the video but what he's saying so far seems to be sound.

Madara x

Sleep soundly
Djibouti's name as a colony was French Somaliland, not French Somalia, so you're technically right.
I haven't finished watching the video but what he's saying so far seems to be sound.

Let me know if you find any mistakes or have any disagreements. I'm always open to critical feedback.
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