Former Somali leaders gather in Mogadishu for a high-level consultation meeting (July 12- July 14)

He refused the laying of the stone ceremony for Garacad- port forget about doing anything. Just to honor him as a visiting PM.

Maybe in South Sonalia, but to puntland he didnt do nothing.

Its true but that was not his decision to make, Farmaajo was trying to pit the states against each other, Garacad was privately funded not state funded, Kheyre had no qualms with any state leader he even visited youth in north Galkacyo, funded stadiums and met with Ahmed Madoobe


Get ready for war in the FMS’s. HSM has just said he’s not allowed to change his constitutional term and it’ll apply to the next term

everyone will use this as an example.


@bidenkulaha damn that means no extensions either for FMS it will apply to the next presidents of FMS, will HSM fight FMS or fund conflicts within FMS?
HSM has to do nothing. If Cayr politicians fight QQ he’s finished in Dhusamareb. And if LG has to fight a much stronger mucaarad in Baydhabo, chances are he might not survive.

Madoobe is the only one not sweating! He’s got Kismayo on lock and there’s no worries with Shabaab between him and his main opposition
HSM has to do nothing. If Cayr politicians fight QQ he’s finished in Dhusamareb. And if LG has to fight a much stronger mucaarad in Baydhabo, chances are he might not survive.

Madoobe is the only one not sweating! He’s got Kismayo on lock and there’s no worries with Shabaab between him and his main opposition
HSM should have just fought these FMS and put in place gareens like farmaajo did. When is phase 2 starting?


HSM should have just fought these FMS and put in place gareens like farmaajo did. When is phase 2 starting?
HSM needs them till the end of debt relief. Imagine if they all cut cooperation with him over all the NCC agreements he needed too. He would’ve made no progress on debt relief or finishing the constitution.

It’s good timing now since we’re in the final stages and they’ve already signed up to the agreements he needed. He can also claim ignorance and say he was forced by the opposition to support elections on time.

IC would’ve cut ties with him similar to what happened to Farmaajo if he did the same. In the end, HSM is showing good political instincts imo.

The FMS leaders are now in a weak position to fight him compared to a year ago with only a few months left and massive opposition. Remember LG ran to Ethiopia last year and was set to join Deni in opposing HSM. Now Deni is on the brink and LG/QQ have only months left too.


True Puntlander
Its true but that was not his decision to make, Farmaajo was trying to pit the states against each other, Garacad was privately funded not state funded, Kheyre had no qualms with any state leader he even visited youth in north Galkacyo, funded stadiums and met with Ahmed Madoobe
Visited youth yes, but fund stadiums you wrong.


All I know is that no matter what happens in Somalia, Sayid Ahmed will remain on his throne for 5 more years



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