First Doctoral thesis on flat earth

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"If you want to know who is charge of you, look at what or who you are not allowed to criticise freely"

This dude simple thesis attracted the attention of the government that had to step in to put a stop to this, no counter arguments presented whatsoever, just how dare you violate the occultist trio Europhile God's of Einstein, Newton and Kepler, how dare you question their majesty, their enlightenment, their logic, their ultimate unquestionable truth you peasant slave!

Shows you how much control they have over Tunisian society, they will violate any tenet of belief they champion just to silence this stuff, they don't even teach this alternative view in their own universities in the west, nor even mention the 1000's of banned scientists whom wrote books and carried out experiments to disprove the spinning ball earth.

This lead to an astrophysicist that has a PhD to recently convert to Flat earth after a debate, because throughout his quakademic curriculum they never even talked about the countless experiments that refutes that model, he was enraged at the sheer academic dishonesty and he realised why they didn't present those alternative views, because the current model would have collapsed.
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I have an IQ of 300
"If you want to know who is charge of you, look at what or who you are not allowed to criticise freely"

This dude simple thesis attracted the attention of the government that had to step in to put a stop to this, no counter arguments presented whatsoever, just how dare you violate the occultist trio Europhile God's of Einstein, Newton an Kepler, how dare you question their majesty, their enlightenment, their logic, their ultimate unquestionable truth you peasant slave!

Shows you how much control they have over Tunisian society, they will violate any tenet of belief they champion just to silence this stuff, they don't even teach this alternative view in their own universities in the west, nor even mention the 1000's of banned scientists whom wrote books and carried out experiments to disprove the spinning ball earth.

This lead to an astrophysicist that has a PhD to recently convert to Flat earth after a debate, because throughout his quakademic curriculum they never even talked about the countless experiments that refutes that model, he was enraged at the sheer academic dishonesty and he realised why they didn't present those alternative views, because the current model would have collapsed.
One thing I don't understand is; why don't you find the answers to this unequivocally by getting someone to fly you out in a plane to the supposed edge of the Earth?
Or you could hire a boat or something. If you want to know that badly and you have the drive to do it then you could end the debate and conjecture and just find out for yourself.
One thing I don't understand is; why don't you find the answers to this unequivocally by getting someone to fly you out in a plane to the supposed edge of the Earth?
Or you could hire a boat or something. If you want to know that badly and you have the drive to do it then you could end the debate and conjecture and just find out for yourself.

Does the universe have an edge ? why do you assume there is an edge? and why do I need to go on a plane when there million ways and reasons to disprove this model?

You are also assuming those images they took supposedly on their fictitious moon landing of the ball planet are real, there is so much assumptions and your so stuck into this paradigm/indoctrination/matrix it's impossible for you to even think outside of it sxb

Speaking of planes, all the emergency landing and flight paths all disprove a ball earth, if you go south or north long enough in any direction (not East/West because you will come back around in a circle) you will simply run out of fuel, and if you get far enough, you will likely just get shot down for violating the treaty.

The Antarctica treaty, the only such treaty in this world everyone has to sign, virtually bar's you from ever travelling to it, similar restrictions on the supposed north pole, in other words, any north-south expedition is virtually outlawed, supposedly to protect penguins, which you of course have no problems believing in.


I have an IQ of 300
Does the universe have an edge ? why do you assume there is an edge? and why do I need to go on a plane when there million ways and reasons to disprove this model?

You are also assuming those images they took supposedly on their fictitious moon landing of the ball planet are real, there is so much assumptions and your so stuck into this paradigm/indoctrination/matrix it's impossible for you to even think outside of it sxb

Speaking of planes, all the emergency landing and flight paths all disprove a ball earth, if you go south or not long enough in any direction (not East/West because you will come back around in a circle) you will simply run out of fuel, and if you get far enough, you will likely just get shutdown.

The Antarctica treaty, the only such treaty in this world everyone has to sign, virtually bar's you from ever travelling to it, similar restrictions on the supposed north pole, in other words, any north-south expedition is virtually outlawed, supposedly to protect penguins, which you of course have no problems believing in, like these people care about penguins.
You do realise sightseeing flights are a thing?
Also you can fly over Antarctica if you like, provided an Antarctic Expedition Assessment has been performed on your aircraft.
All you need to do is hire a biplane and literally fly from the tip of Argentina to the Arctic on the other side of the world.
It's very doable. Since you doubt literally everything that is given to you, why don't you save up some cash and actually do this? Put these questions and debates to rest sxb.
You do realise sightseeing flights are a thing?
Also you can fly over Antarctica if you like, provided an Antarctic Expedition Assessment has been performed on your aircraft.
All you need to do is hire a biplane and literally fly from the tip of Argentina to the Arctic on the other side of the world.
It's very doable. Since you doubt literally everything that is given to you, why don't you save up some cash and actually do this? Put these questions and debates to rest sxb.

Your premise is that as long as the occultist come up with reasons/explanations it's fine, even the pagan's do this, go and speak to a Hindu how he justifies the cows being divine.

The above is utter bogus and has been exposed as such, so have those supposed flights you are talking about, by the way, they only came about after the flat earth movement exploded, before this, none of these things existed. They even made Youtube video about it flying over what they claim is Antarctica, but again no evidence whatsoever was presented on the location this was conducted.

You don't realise how deep this deception actually runs and what's really at stake here if they loose this fight which they will loose, not long ago supposed direct flights in the southern hemisphere were advertised out of everyone's price range, after the movement exposed them, we booked it only for it to be cancelled shortly afterwards.


I have an IQ of 300
Your premise is that as long as the occultist come up with reasons/explanations it's fine, even the pagan's do this, go and speak to a Hindu how he justifies the cows being divine.

The above is utter bogus and has been exposed as such, so have those supposed flights you are talking about, by the way, they only came about after the flat earth movement exploded, before this, none of these things existed. They even made Youtube video about it flying over what they claim is Antarctica, but again no evidence whatsoever was presented on the location this was conducted.

You don't realise how deep this deception actually runs and what's really at stake here if they loose this fight which they will loose, not long ago supposed direct flights in the southern hemisphere were advertised out of everyone's price range, after the movement exposed them, we booked it only for it to be cancelled shortly afterwards.
All you need is a goddamn compass, man! I really don't understand, there are foolproof ways of knowing that you aren't being misled by the pilot.
It isn't rocket science. I avoided mentioning GPS since you'd dismiss that as Europhile trickery designed to keep us in the dark about the true nature of the Earth. Anyone with a basic knowledge of astronomy and cartography can figure out whether or not they're actually travelling South and not being flown around in circles.
All you need is a goddamn compass, man! I really don't understand, there are foolproof ways of knowing that you aren't being misled by the pilot.
It isn't rocket science. I avoided mentioning GPS since you'd dismiss that as Europhile trickery designed to keep us in the dark about the true nature of the Earth. Anyone with a basic knowledge of astronomy and cartography can figure out whether or not they're actually travelling South and not being flown around in circles.

Do you know how a compass works? explain to me what you would see on a compass at the north pole? do you know what people used to navigate before the compass? did you see anyone on board these flights show a compass? if you knew the answers of these without using google, you would never bring this argument up.

Regarding your comment on GPS, I was a network engineer so I know how the communication networks operate, the Nazi's used GPS systems way before any rockets went into the skies and those supposed satellites went up which was around the 60's, so how did the Nazi's use GPS then, if some spinning satellites are responsible?

It's all ground based, the same principles of triangulation that is used to locate you using the signals of your phone through ground based cell towers is the exact same principles used in ground based GPS, that's how it works, if you go to any locations outside of large cities into the wilderness you will notice that you never get these supposed satellite GPS signals, again because it's all ground based.

You don't even need to have my background to know this, the Nazi's are enough to disprove this whole thing.


I have an IQ of 300
Do you know how a compass works? explain to me what you would see on a compass at the north pole? do you know what people used to navigate before the compass? did you see anyone on board these flights show a compass? if you knew the answers of these without using google, you would never bring this argument up.

Regarding your comment on GPS, I was a network engineer so I know how the communication networks operate, the Nazi's used GPS systems way before any rockets went into the skies and those supposed satellites went up which was around the 60's, so how did the Nazi's use GPS then, if some spinning satellites are responsible?

It's all ground based, the same principles of triangulation that is used to locate you using the signals of your phone through ground based cell towers is the exact same principles used in ground based GPS, that's how it works, if you go to any locations outside of large cities into the wilderness you will notice that you never get these supposed satellite GPS signals, again because it's all ground based.

You don't even need to have my background to know this, the Nazi's are enough to disprove this whole thing.
My bad about the compass thing. I forgot about this being the South/North Pole. Disregard that point.

I don't get it. You're literally disregarding every single point I'm making. It's impossible to argue with you, because you completely throw out the window what most people call common knowledge and replace it with your own ideas. There's no relativity, nothing is established fact, other than the basic fact of the Earth, Sun and Moon simply existing. Or are you going to deny that too?
The Nazis used GPS systems in areas where those cell towers were active, obviously. That's how they used GPS before the satellites went up.
I'm not claiming to know anything in detail about GPS systems or network signalling, but I'm aware that the satellites are arranged in such a way that you're going to get global signal coverage. How do GPS systems work in areas like the Amazon, where there are no cell towers in sight? Where do the signals come from?


β€œI am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
All you need to read the Antarctic Treaty, its a no flyzone so your little shitty biplane would get immediately neutralized after failing to heed earning after entering Antarctic airspace, this was set up in the fifties after WW2.

As for the Artic there's a huge NORAD detection system that only allows Canadian and American warplanes access, so no, your wrong



I have an IQ of 300
All you need to read the Antarctic Treaty, its a no flyzone so your little shitty biplane would get immediately neutralized after failing to heed earning after entering Antarctic airspace, this was set up in the fifties after WW2.

As for the Artic there's a huge NORAD detection system that only allows Canadian and American warplanes access, so no, your wrong

How would you even enforce a no-fly zone? Isn't military activity strictly prohibited in Antarctica due to that same treaty?
Or are there secret nukes I'm somehow ignoring that are buried in the ice shelf for later use?


I have an IQ of 300
I'm reading up on this now, there are no mentions of a no-fly zone set up in the Antarctic Treaty anywhere.
That contradicts the terms anyway, since with a no-fly zone there would be military enforcement, something that is strictly prohibited.
@TekNiKo your comment with a little research makes no sense according to basic logic.


Accomplished Saaxir
I'm reading up on this now, there are no mentions of a no-fly zone set up in the Antarctic Treaty anywhere.
That contradicts the terms anyway, since with a no-fly zone there would be military enforcement, something that is strictly prohibited.
@TekNiKo your comment with a little research makes no sense according to basic logic.

You'll be asking yourself at the end why you even engaged these xoolo to begin with.


I have an IQ of 300
You'll be asking yourself at the end why you even engaged these xoolo to begin with.
Sxb the goalposts are being moved like crazy here.
It wasn't until he mentioned that satellites don't exist that I realised the gravity of what I was dealing with. This guy operates on completely different parameters from the rest of us. It's absolutely baffling and also infuriating.


She was quoted in the French-language magazine Jeune Afrique as having written that "'all the data and the physical, religious arguments have made it possible to demonstrate the central position, the fixation and the flattening of the surface of the Earth, the revolution of the Sun and the Moon around it.' She then argued that 'the stars … have three roles: to be scenery in the sky; to stone the devils and as signs to guide the creatures in the darkness of the Earth.'"

I thought it was going to be an intellectually rigorous thesis exempt from metaphysical babble. I was wrong:dead:

Sxb until your able to think outside of that paradigm (e.g. their sources included) you will forever be lost and the whole discussion will go over your head, let me give you an analogy to hit the points home.

Let's pick the Hindu cow worshippers here as an example, you believe the cow is divine, you are challenged by this believe, you go back and do research but all the Publications are Hindu in support of this, in some twisted logical sense you have a false expectation they would somehow disprove their believes, which is lunacy and a massive conflict of interest.

You then come back with the same talking points to the person your having a discussion with, this is what I mean with your thinking in that false 'paradigm'. I gave you the Nazi example as a reason including the phone cell towers to triangulate your position hence there is no need for these satellites even if you believe they exist, the Nazi's navigated perfectly as did our forefathers before any compass existed using the fixed Northern stars and constellations to find their way, again solving the navigation issue that had been used throughout history by all civilisations without the need for this supposed satellite.

I further cemented this by telling you if you go outside of major cities in remote areas there is no coverage whatsoever for GPS but you can still navigate using a compass or the stars again further proof.

I been to remote areas in Somalia several times, no coverage whatsoever their either, not even in remote areas in Turkey, again proving to you if you use your logic it's all ground based systems and their is absolutely no need for a piece of junk floating in some orbit while the earth spins ridiculous speed for either navigation or location based tracking showing you several examples to debunk the whole thing.

You may ask what do they have to gain from all this which is a common question, the very question proves that the person lacks critical thinking, because the the basic components of critical thinking (not taught of course) is answering the important question of who is the benefactors? and what do they gain from this?

If you can't answer this, you will forever be lost in everything that goes on in this world and will just be a mere dupe blind sheeple follower, easily manipulated into everything even atheism.
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