Faysal Waarabe responds too Irir saamale.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
”One sided love” when isaaqs are the ones spamming love on the comments on tiktok & youtube whenever Hawiye is mentioned. This senile man who shapeshifts is not the representative of his folks.

War relationshipkeena noo daaya, you guys are sounding like bitter exes, ”He doesn’t love you like I do baby!!” Kkkkkkk
”One sided love” when isaaqs are the ones spamming love on the comments on tiktok & youtube whenever Hawiye is mentioned. This senile man who shapeshifts is not the representative of his folks.

War relationshipkeena noo daaya, you guys are sounding like bitter exes, ”He doesn’t love you like I do baby!!” Kkkkkkk

We actually agree with Isaaq on their assertions on HAG, we just don't want to see this YASID, it's very uncomfortable to witness.
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Is his daugther still married to majeerteen


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Guys let's be kind to the Hawiye. They are in an abusive relationship and they need our help.

It's true though, nobody wants to share a country with them, it's why Federalism was created to begin with, to protect the country from their chaos. I wonder when HAG will become introspective and start holding themselves accountable, when even their only "allies", are saying this to their faces.


Amaan Duule
It's true though, nobody wants to share a country with them, it's why Federalism was created to begin with, to protect the country from their chaos. I wonder when HAG will become introspective and start holding themselves accountable, when even their only "allies", are saying this to their faces.
I know Hawiye was a very bad woman before she met Isaaq, but watching her go through all this abuse that Isaaq is giving her makes me very sad. Even after all this gaslighting and verbal abuse, she is still obsessed with him somehow. We need to save her and give her a second chance, don't you agree?


Amaan Duule
Every relationship has its ups and downs, ours is no different!!! We are working on things step by step abaayo
You poor thing. I can't imagine the gaslighting that Isaaq put you through. Don't worry, you're in a safe space now, Isaaq can't get to you. You can let out your true feelings now.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
They are very distant geographically, linguistically and even DNA wise. Waraabe isn't lying when he says they have nothing to do with each other. They see HAG as he described, a people that they can use for their own gain. Meanwhile you have prominent HAGs who think they are related to Isaaq and show them extreme love.

Bizarro world

Dahir Alasow and his gang are trying to push this Irir Hawiye Isaaq love relationship but then again no one takes him serious.

Besides Isaaq seem to be confused people one day they call us qadaad weyn and the next day you will see them dedicate songs to us :mjlol:

Irirism was a political fiction invented in the 60s by egal and his hawiye political allies to compete with darood.
The average isaaq doesn't see himself as dir but identifies as isaaq and this entire irir business never made sense to them.
ina Waraabe is cawaan with no civility, let us not take his outbursts as those of a sane person. And what the f@ck do they find amusing about his obnoxious diatribe to be laughing?

You can actually see who is civilized and educated by just listening.
No, they are far from being civilised, but neutered shemales!

Too much bashing of the reer in question, no?
Macallin Jamac Bilal was Dhulbahante, but part of MJ Sultanate, but yep, we sunk a lot into that place and then lost it all. Never again.
Whilst that was happening in the Sultanates, Christian schools were being built, and kids taught Christianity in Berbera, Dhaymoole, and Majacaseeye, and Mohamed Ali & Yusuf H Adam were being stoned in Oodweyne, luckily escaped bleeding with a broken arm for the former, and Mohamed Ali was later set up to be killed in Borame, whilst visiting Camud boarding school, only to survive a knife attack. Whom shall we thank for their being saved? What was the name of that old Mullah man? In other words, ina Waraabe is spewing home-grown falsihoods, but those goons should be better briefed.
Irirism was a political fiction invented in the 60s by egal and his hawiye political allies to compete with darood.
The average isaaq doesn't see himself as dir but identifies as isaaq and this entire irir business never made sense to them.

Actually it was invented by Sh Ali Jimaale who was Xawaadle. He was leading the Hawiye opposition to Adden Adde and the MJ block. He championed the shit out of Irirism and pitched it to Egal a Habar Awal who was out of the political loop with no way in. The whole thing was political expedience and it almost worked. Ali Jimale lost the presidency by a single vote to Adden Adde and Egal almost became his PM. The ironic thing was, Ali Jimaale secured all the Hawiye and Isaaq votes but lost by a Xawaadle mp who was Ali Osobles grandfather casting his vote for Aden Cadde. Now HG and Dahir Alasow are taking it too far.


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