Extent of Berbera & Bulhar’s trade

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“Nearly all trade for Ogadayn [region] goes from Bulhar; but we found on the Webbe that we had, as it were, reached the point at which merchants from Berbera and Bulhar meet those from Merka and Mogadaxo (Madisha)”

“The Kingdom of Shoa seems to be the western trade boundary of the Berbera Market”

@Factz @World @Yeeyi @Fiidmeer
Traders from Berbera & Bulhar had contacts with traders from Mogadishu & Merka!

Bulhar today:




“Nearly all trade for Ogadayn [region] goes from Bulhar; but we found on the Webbe that we had, as it were, reached the point at which merchants from Berbera and Bulhar meet those from Merka and Mogadaxo (Madisha)”

“The Kingdom of Shoa seems to be the western trade boundary of the Berbera Market”

@Factz @World @Yeeyi @Fiidmeer
Even today most of the Somali region in Ethiopia are reliant on Berbera.
Berbera ruins

19th century Martello Towers ruins in Berbera constructed by the Governor Haji Sharmarke Ali Saleh


Mashaallaah ! ..Berbera is an old historical city and has a lot of potential.. it'll will look twice as better in the future inshaallah.

I don't know why people run to invest and buy lands in hargiesa only ? It's overcrowded, berbera with the beach already looks better, I been to berbera(I know it's really hot and unbearable in july especially,) Cities near berbera like sheekh is amazing the history and urbanization, wow Berbera will turn to the Casablanca of the horn.
We really need to renovate our old buildings to keep them in pristine condition like they do in Europe.

Wallahi the Somalis back home are utterJaahil! They would prefer a multicoloured, tinned-roofed house > historic whitewashed buildings. The government(s) must focus on preserving historic sites throughout Somaliland & Somalia.
Here are two pre-colonial contemporary accounts about Berbera:

“The only seaports of importance on this coast are Feyla [Zeila] and Berbera; the former is an Arabian colony, dependant of Mocha, but Berbera is independent of any foreign power. It is, without having the name, the freest port in the world, and the most important trading place on the whole Arabian Gulf.”

6,000 camels/people arriving with one caravan! Imagine the logistics of preparing to undertake such a journey via the caravan trade routes...
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