Explosive new Interview with Former General Secretary of Wadani Party

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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Abdilaahi Uurcade who was the former General Secretary of Wadani party until his recent dismissal gave an exclusive interview to a Universal TV reporter in its Hargeisa studios.

Uurcade gives his side of the story in the current struggle between the different factions in the higher echelons of the party. Uurcade literally sons the interviewer on set multiple times, correcting his version of events and setting the facts straight:damn:
It is about 30 minutes long but very entertaining and worth a watch:samwelcome:
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Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
@Cumar this Nigga sounds bitter. I always thought he was Gdb for some odd reason

Yeah bro. Tbh, I kinda don't really blame him for being salty. He personally invested thousands of his own money in the party's infastructure and outreach and brought in votes from his immediate subclan. Least he deserved was dignified opportunity to resign on his own terms.

He seemed pretty miskiin in the interviews I saw in the past, so he probably feels like he got thrown under the bus.
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