Ex looks like your Next

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member

I realize some people have a particular type. But do you think its strange when a person's ex looks like their current main squeeze, and has similar mannerism. I kind of wonder if they are truly over their Ex. I mean I knew one dude that ended up marrying a Xalimo that was the spitting image of a lost love. Similar name, age, height, build and personality (did he make her in a lab). I've seen girls do the same thing when it comes to Faraxs. What do you think?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The-Screw, don't sweat it we won't judge you. :mybusiness: I just wanted some insight on the phenomenon.

Queen Carawelo

I've noticed that also. Some don't even hide it. :mybusiness:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I've noticed that also. Some don't even hide it. :mybusiness:

I always thought it was subconscious desire for the Ex that spurned them on to something similar, particularly if they were never truly over them. Perhaps its just psycho babble and they really do have a type. I don't know. :pachah1:It kind of reminds me about how Reggie Bush married a Kim K lookalike. And Timbland's now ex-wife reminded him of his unrequited love - Aaliyah.


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
Bro, we're just discussing the phenomenon. What's your take on it?

Some guys are just too weak that they've been mentally compromised by their Ex that they need to have sonething that resembles them


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Some guys are just too weak that they've been mentally compromised by their Ex that they need to have sonething that resembles them

What would cause a dude to be mentally compromised by them, enough to seek out a near exact specimen. Instinct would tell you on a subconsciousness level to avoid an Ex lookalike and for good reason. I could be wrong? :stevej:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The psychology of unrequited love is the saddest thing in the world.

Perhaps it is. Just wondering why someone would want someone that reminds them of "what could have been". It's more refreshing to have something new/different. I could be wrong.



President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
What would cause a dude to be mentally compromised by them, enough to seek out a near exact specimen. Instinct would tell you on a subconsciousness level to avoid an Ex lookalike and for good reason. I could be wrong? :stevej:

In my long career in the relationship seen I've had my share of crushing heartache. One epic and practical move I use to utilize was to pre-occupy myself with a chick I always use to have as a reserve or a bench warmer for me. I don't know what would've done without them reserves. ( reserves as like in a national army ..so basically one an standing national army is burdened and at their breaking point the reserved are injected into the scene..this was my predicament )


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
In my long career in the relationship seen I've had my share of crushing heartache. One epic and practical move I use to utilize was to pre-occupy myself with a chick I always use to have as a reserve or a bench warmer for me. I don't know what would've done without them reserves. ( reserves as like in a national army ..so basically one an standing national army is burdened and at their breaking point the reserved are injected into the scene..this was my predicament )

Are you trying to tell us that you had a stand in female to ease your fragile heart, so you wouldn't fall victim to an Ex lookalike? I'm guessing this was a defense mechanism of yours. :russsmug:
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