Ex HS President Waare says let AS rule us


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Odayga jiiska has lost the plot!
He says we should make their Amir our President:farmajoyaab:
Farmaajos master plan. Looks like some people are starting to accept the reality. Qatar will make sure AS takes over the country if Farmaajo is re-elected
TBF lets continue the war on Al Shabab, and build an army above 30k to hold our government in place. If we can be an independent government fighting a local insurgency which is a terrorist group by ourselves; the insurgents will have a lesser motive to fight. Slowly but surely the will die of in a couple of years. An identification system, currency and sanctions against any mafia style lowkey accounts will make them run dry of their extortion money; we can build our democratically run secular Somali government without idiot wadaado telling kids to bomb themselves.


Hes explaining that anyone who gets americas sanction has essentially fallen to the rank of AS in terms of a political career.
TBF lets continue the war on Al Shabab, and build an army above 30k to hold our government in place. If we can be an independent government fighting a local insurgency which is a terrorist group by ourselves; the insurgents will have a lesser motive to fight. Slowly but surely the will die of in a couple of years. An identification system, currency and sanctions against any mafia style lowkey accounts will make them run dry of their extortion money; we can build our democratically run secular Somali government without idiot wadaado telling kids to bomb themselves.

We need all foreign armies out, the terrorists can be eradicated all on our own
Thank you @Admin for reporting this as Fake news.

CBB bots are unable to comprehend and translate Somali due to them joining the political scene on 8 February 2017, 1 hour interview and they summarise everything on a 10 second statement without any context.