Ex-Hotep admits he was wrong and schools Hoteps still in denial





بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

I doubt they had any light-eyes, saaxiib. If they did it would be an extreme minority. Both Muslim Masris and Copts cluster closely to Khaleejis and are basically the most "southern" MENAs genetically and carry a lot of ANA ("Ancestral North-African" which is basically the ancient SSA element in Iberomaurusians that makes them cluster almost like Horners) with trace amounts of Proto-Nilotic. Literally the most distant MENAs from cadaans. Lighter eyes, skin and hair became more prevalent over-time, though still rare, with waves of migrations from the Levant bringing more Anatolian and Iranic type ancestry, though.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

I weep at how the Xabash were not Islamized during the conquest 500 years ago. Imagine, walaal... we could have maybe had one nation between the Horn and Sudan. With that much land and peoples we could have been a mighty power that could wrestle the lands south of Aswan from the Masris and maybe bloody Aswan itself along with all of northern Kenya from the Brits and Bantus.

Imagine a nation from Aswan to Ijara and from Xaafuun to al-Junaynah, home to the civilization of the ancient Nubians, Aksum, the Barbaroi city-states, the Muslim Sultanates of the Horn like the Ajuuraan and Adal, the Abyssinian Empire, the Christian Nubian Kingdoms, the Blemmyes and Medjay of ancient legend and so much more alongside many interesting peoples like the Oromos, Sidamics and Omotics. Everything from green highlands to volcanic deserts to savannahs boasting all the wildlife diversity Kenya flexes at the gaalo to the Nile Valley itself and beaches, beaches and beaches! Not to mention a population potential well-over 200 million if we played our agricultural cards right.

I'd have gladly accepted Arabic as a lingua franca for such a glorious nation that could be a juggernaut on the world stage alongside the likes of India and China. 5,000 kilometers from north to south and east to west. Bismillah. Geeljires think too small with this Somaliweyn business. This was where it was at, saaxiib. Christianity fudging shizzle up like always.

sad death GIF by Global TV


I know you visionary niggas who can see what I am talking about.

mr t is crying GIF

I weep at how the Xabash were not Islamized during the conquest 500 years ago. Imagine, walaal... we could have maybe had one nation between the Horn and Sudan. With that much land and peoples we could have been a mighty power that could wrestle the lands south of Aswan from the Masris and maybe bloody Aswan itself along with all of northern Kenya from the Brits and Bantus.

Imagine a nation from Aswan to Ijara and from Xaafuun to al-Junaynah, home to the civilization of the ancient Nubians, Aksum, the Barbaroi city-states, the Muslim Sultanates of the Horn like the Ajuuraan and Adal, the Abyssinian Empire, the Christian Nubian Kingdoms, the Blemmyes and Medjay of ancient legend and so much more alongside many interesting peoples like the Oromos, Sidamics and Omotics. Everything from green highlands to volcanic deserts to savannahs boasting all the wildlife diversity Kenya flexes at the gaalo to the Nile Valley itself and beaches, beaches and beaches! Not to mention a population potential well-over 200 million if we played our agricultural cards right.

I'd have gladly accepted Arabic as a lingua franca for such a glorious nation that could be a juggernaut on the world stage alongside the likes of India and China. 5,000 kilometers from north to south and east to west. Bismillah. Geeljires think too small with this Somaliweyn business. This was where it was at, saaxiib. Christianity fudging shizzle up like always.

sad death GIF by Global TV

If this happened we'd certainly lose our Somali phenotype as Somali men would take on Xabashi, Oromo etc, wives.



بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
If this happened we'd certainly lose our Somali phenotype as Somali men would take on Xabashi, Oromo etc, wives.

Naw, Geeljires be slick. Rest assured we would be among the political elites of this grand nation and have Somaliweyn finally exist as a province with Af-Soomaali enjoying joint official status with Af-Carabi within said province. All other citizens of the Republic of Aethiopia would be forbidden from intra-race-mixing with Somalis to maintain our "purer" looks within the Aethiopid race. @Sophisticate would be proud of these conditions, I'm sure.
Naw, Geeljires be slick. Rest assured we would be among the political elites of this grand nation and have Somaliweyn finally exist as a province with Af-Soomaali enjoying joint official status with Af-Carabi within said province. All other citizens of the Republic of Aethiopia would be forbidden from race-mixing with Somalis to maintain our "purer" looks within the Aethiopid race. @Sophisticate would not be proud of these conditions.

There are already Somalis who did marry Oromos and even went as far as to adopt Oromo males into their clans.

If there was a Genghis Khan type figure who united Somalis and installed strict laws on marriage etc, I could see Somalis dominating like you say and keeping the Somali phenotype.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Check out King Tut’s sandals, he really hated the race of people that admire him nowadays :ftw9nwa:
View attachment 212621

The Nubians got the last laugh:


Made the Hosnis their boys for 100 years and the Hosnis never got to take revenge as they subsequently got whooped by Assyrians then Iranians, then Greeks, then Romans, then Iranians again, then the Romans again, then the Arabs and everyone from Turkic slaves (Mamluks) to the Ottomans until their modern nation's founding father was an Ottoman Governor of Albanian descent:

Oh how they fell from their Bronze-Age splendor. Imagine being ruled by ajanabis for 3,000 years straight. That's longer than North-Central Europeans have had civilization.


El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

I weep at how the Xabash were not Islamized during the conquest 500 years ago. Imagine, walaal... we could have maybe had one nation between the Horn and Sudan. With that much land and peoples we could have been a mighty power that could wrestle the lands south of Aswan from the Masris and maybe bloody Aswan itself along with all of northern Kenya from the Brits and Bantus.

Imagine a nation from Aswan to Ijara and from Xaafuun to al-Junaynah, home to the civilization of the ancient Nubians, Aksum, the Barbaroi city-states, the Muslim Sultanates of the Horn like the Ajuuraan and Adal, the Abyssinian Empire, the Christian Nubian Kingdoms, the Blemmyes and Medjay of ancient legend and so much more alongside many interesting peoples like the Oromos, Sidamics and Omotics. Everything from green highlands to volcanic deserts to savannahs boasting all the wildlife diversity Kenya flexes at the gaalo to the Nile Valley itself and beaches, beaches and beaches! Not to mention a population potential well-over 200 million if we played our agricultural cards right.

I'd have gladly accepted Arabic as a lingua franca for such a glorious nation that could be a juggernaut on the world stage alongside the likes of India and China. 5,000 kilometers from north to south and east to west. Bismillah. Geeljires think too small with this Somaliweyn business. This was where it was at, saaxiib. Christianity fudging shizzle up like always.

sad death GIF by Global TV

Habeshas would have made fine muslims, why didn’t our ancestors try to convert them, heck even to this day 20% of amharas are muslim, imagine if we tried, the Horn would have been a superpower.

Ahmed Gurey should have sent an army of sufi clerics to them, we could be doing dhaanto and the shoulder dance together after Jummah prayer:mjcry:

I disagree with uniting with Sudan , too different ethnitically, they got the all africas macroethnic groups there, maybe only cushitic areas should be added.


There are already Somalis who did marry Oromos and even went as far as to adopt Oromo males into their clans.

If there was a Genghis Khan type figure who united Somalis and installed strict laws on marriage etc, I could see Somalis dominating like you say and keeping the Somali phenotype.
An Oromo clan in the 19th century had a custom of marrying Ogaden wives.

Somalis don’t care about strict laws of marriage, why would they if they look like us and share the same region.




Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood

I weep at how the Xabash were not Islamized during the conquest 500 years ago. Imagine, walaal... we could have maybe had one nation between the Horn and Sudan. With that much land and peoples we could have been a mighty power that could wrestle the lands south of Aswan from the Masris and maybe bloody Aswan itself along with all of northern Kenya from the Brits and Bantus.

Imagine a nation from Aswan to Ijara and from Xaafuun to al-Junaynah, home to the civilization of the ancient Nubians, Aksum, the Barbaroi city-states, the Muslim Sultanates of the Horn like the Ajuuraan and Adal, the Abyssinian Empire, the Christian Nubian Kingdoms, the Blemmyes and Medjay of ancient legend and so much more alongside many interesting peoples like the Oromos, Sidamics and Omotics. Everything from green highlands to volcanic deserts to savannahs boasting all the wildlife diversity Kenya flexes at the gaalo to the Nile Valley itself and beaches, beaches and beaches! Not to mention a population potential well-over 200 million if we played our agricultural cards right.

I'd have gladly accepted Arabic as a lingua franca for such a glorious nation that could be a juggernaut on the world stage alongside the likes of India and China. 5,000 kilometers from north to south and east to west. Bismillah. Geeljires think too small with this Somaliweyn business. This was where it was at, saaxiib. Christianity fudging shizzle up like always.

sad death GIF by Global TV

Ethiopia will become majority Muslim over the next 10 years. If it stays together after this civil war, Ethiopia as a state will be friendly to Islam for the foreseeable future.

Ethiopia and Nigeria, Africa's two largest states will both be majority Muslim soon. Islam continues to expand in Sub Saharan Africa.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
It's kinda sad to realize how much Nubian territory Masris stole, to be honest. Everything south of Aswan is basically Nubia:

Then they built that infernal dam and flooded many Nubian villages and towns, totally displacing those folks:

Aswan is still pretty populated by them, though and has a Nubian museum:

Peoples of Nubia like the Beja/Blemmyes who seemed dominant in Lower Nubia used to sometimes stretch into Egyptian territories as far north as Luxor where a Blemmye/Beja King has been recorded:

I’ve been to aswan, they dark af. They look like mohammed ramadan
and even darker


Minister of Propaganda
Naw, Geeljires be slick. Rest assured we would be among the political elites of this grand nation and have Somaliweyn finally exist as a province with Af-Soomaali enjoying joint official status with Af-Carabi within said province. All other citizens of the Republic of Aethiopia would be forbidden from intra-race-mixing with Somalis to maintain our "purer" looks within the Aethiopid race. @Sophisticate would be proud of these conditions, I'm sure.

Some of these people care too much about phenotype.

No one cares about phenotype when you die. Odds are that your children or their children will marry out anyways.
An Oromo clan in the 19th century had a custom of marrying Ogaden wives.

Somalis don’t care about strict laws of marriage, why would they if they look like us and share the same region.

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View attachment 212627
I remember reading somewhere that a Somali ugaas gave his daughter away to a non Somali Harare leader.

I really don't think they cared as much about purity as much especially if it will bring them connection and benefits.


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